An In-depth Understanding of NeoWorld 2.0 and Its Future (1)

Rex Liu
8 min readAug 18, 2019


Author: TOP-JIMI

Translator: Rex Liu/迷恋猫阿伟

Editor: Rex Liu, NeoWorld Space Station,Lord of №4 Continent

NeoWorld will enjoy 2.0 in a couple of days, which indicates a brand new era.

The team has announced the Overview of Business System of NeoWorld 2.0 yesterday. Despite its brief introduction, it has created huge impact in the community:

  • The readers of the announcements doubled compared to the recent release notes;
  • The price of Nash skyrocketed over 30% in DragonEx in a short time by some players;
  • The overnight discussion in the core group of stake users led to thousands of messages

What on earth happened? I will share my thoughts on the announcement today.

Part I: From the Perspective of Players

One of the core competitiveness of NeoWorld is the ability to change the production relations. However, some of the gameplays are not reasonable in Version 1.0, so it is time to further the revolution. Let’s take a look at the issue from the perspective of players first:

1 Gameplay of Landlords

  • Introduce the Industrial Chain. All industries are classified into four processes where the upstream produces materials and the downstream produces business value
  • Introduce Specialized Materials which can be determined by the lord and it will facilitate the continental trading
  • Introduce Electricity. The operating cost become a constant behavior and it consumes more.
  • Introduce industrial competition and buildings trading. Free market intensifies the competition and players can exit by trading
  • Anchor cost with USDT regardless of the fluctuation of the price
  • Simplify the operation. Renovation is no longer necessary and players can build high-star buildings instantly.

We can conclude that the business system in MainLand has almost changed, and more gameplays will appear which in turn will supersede some of the current strategies, such as collecting income, the permanent 10% depreciation and the looped circle. In summary, the business system of MainLand 2.0 follow the rule of More Strategy Less Operation. The competition will be more dynamic, the strategies more focused, operations less mechanical. It is more suitable for wealth players.

2 Gameplays of Workers

  • The earnings from working only accounts for 5% of the pool and there is a limit
  • Due to the industrial chain and specialized materials, the working opportunities for workers will increase
  • Advanced jobs will be provided by business buildings and players can earn more Nash without much effort
  • The most important change is that the assist business value will no longer be affected by the workers

As can be seen from the title, the focus of this announcement is on the production and operation system. The gameplay should only be accompanied by an introduction, and we are looking forward to more complete rules of work.

But as far as these contents have been disclosed, we can see that the working mechanism will also undergo major changes. Workers will follow a growth path from low to high, but in any case, their plundering of the mining pool and the right to speak to the landlord are gone. So it more closer to reality.

This may mean that the designs have jumped out of traffic thinking and are evolving into the thinking of superusers, and this is more in line with current market conditions.

3 Gameplays of Lords

  • Electricity belongs to the public resources of the mainland. Each continent defaults to a power plant, and mainland lords can spend NASH new construction.
  • The pricing of electricity and the distribution of electricity industry are allocated by the lords, and the differentiation of power supply in the mainland has kicked off.
  • The mainland technology tree is about to debut, and lords can increase power plant quotas through skill trees and choose mainland specialties.

As the top administrator of the mainland, what the lord can do in the past year is extremely limited. In the era of the mainland 2.0, they will truly practice the authority of mainland autonomy, allowing more mainland participants to feel the charm of community autonomy and the game of the mainland. Of course, the ability and responsibility requirements for mainland lords are even higher.

The first batch of announced power policy and special product policy has already made people shine, and I look forward to more explanations.

In general, NeoWorld 2.0 has reshaped the labor-management relationship and enhanced the mainland’s autonomy. It is more in line with the real logic, making the role of “worker-operator-governor” more smooth and has a large scale and adds the the possibility of promotion.

Part II From the Perspective of Tokens

NeoWorld is proud of its adjustment to the production relationship, but also its subtle design. The three-layered certification is rare in the industry, but it is easy to understand and continue to promote the prosperity of the NeoWorld virtual society. However, in the 1.0 era, there are still more complaints in the details of the various tokens, and how to optimize the mainland 2.0 in the token.

1 Nash

  • The construction cost is USDT. If the NASH price rises, the NASH is less. When the price rises, the demand decreases.
  • The NASH 95% of the building was destroyed on a regular basis.
  • The NASH will not be returned after the building is demolished.

These articles are all of great importance, and the dismantling will not be returned, which will greatly reduce the risk of the sell-off and reduce the selling pressure. The marketization and destruction plan of construction costs allows the official and operators to stand on the same stand and have stronger motivation to increase the price of the currency.

The rise in the price of the currency will further expand the admission funds that can be accommodated in NeoWorld, and with the increase and improvement of the various gameplays of the former operators, a new wave of funds will become possible. More funds will enter the market and it is expected to further promote the steady increase of the currency price.

Logically, the NASH design of NeoWorld 2.0 lay the foundation for NASH’s rise and has the potential for positive cycle.

It is worth mentioning that 95% of the people who are widely concerned about the destruction, I do not expect the actual amount of destruction will be particularly large, depending on the demolition situation.

2 RO

  • The special product system is opened, trade between the mainland is expected to strengthen, and tariff income will increase.
  • The industrial chain has opened up, expanding from the current secondary industry to a four-level industry, material transactions have increased substantially, and transaction income has increased.
  • The introduction of the power system is possible with electricity revenue as a daily income, part of which is the mainland’s fiscal revenue.
  • Construction transactions may be opened, adding new sources of transaction taxes.
  • Power plant construction needs to consume NASH, with a high probability of coming from mainland finance.

Ordinary materials plants and high-tech materials plants are exempt from refurbishment, and refurbishment revenues will fall sharply.


  • A portion of the electricity system’s revenue will be used as project income.
  • 5% of construction funds will be used as project income.·
  • The transaction costs brought by material trading and construction transactions are increasing, which in turn drives the increase in income.

Price of NEST has continued to fall recently, but considering that half of the project revenue will continue to buy in the next 20 months, there is no need to worry about the price of NEST.

The newly announced continent 2.0 model reveals several growth points of the project’s revenue. It is expected that the project’s income will increase significantly, which will lead to the growth of NEST purchase.

In general, NASH’s increase has determined by the new mechanism; and RO and NEST are expected to benefit from the revenue growth brought by the new features. Of course, there is always risk in investment, and players should have their own judgments.

Part III Other Views

In addition, I will summarize some of the hidden information in the announcement:

  • Ordinary materials and high-tech materials still remain, but there will be some changes in the material factory, such as building cost, production rate and so on.
  • The materials exchange will usher in a change, either by adding new material type in exchange or a new exchange type.
  • Only high-end jobs can use the hang-up mode. If you are an zero-investment player, time is still your investment.

At the same time, although their are a big amount of information in this announcement, there are still a lot of unclear things that I am curious, such as:

  • Where is the 95% NASH of the part of the building that has not been demolished?
  • Where is the NASH consumed by mainland technology trees or new power plants?
  • NASH, which is regularly destroyed, how long is it? Is there an upper limit for destruction?
  • The demolition of the building will not return NASH to players, including whether it includes RO mining machines, tent factories, robot factories and other research buildings, green decorative buildings, replicas buildings, exchanges and other functional buildings.
  • Will 2.0 adjust its dividend policy, such as RO and greening dividends?

The above various introductions hope that a clearer answer can be obtained in the subsequent demolition rules. Here, what I care about most is the whereabouts of the massive NASH that settled in the building.

If the proportion of large-scale demolition during the demolition period is relatively low, then this part of the funds will be relatively large, and how to use it is critical. I personally expect the official to add it to the mining pool, the operation pool and the continent finance according to the demolition results.

Adding to the mining pool, the daily mining pool will be doubled, forming a money-making effect similar to last year, but this time it is aimed at landlords.

If it is added to the operation pool to make up for the reduction of quotas for large-scale subsidies last year, and prepare for public beta test.

If it is added to the continent’s finances, it will provide ammunition for the next enhanced version of the continent’s autonomy, attracting everyone come and build.

You must have an answer to the question at the beginning. And this is only the first related announcement of the continent 2.0, and I am looking forward to more exciting planning. After get to understand the rules of the continent 2.0, I believe you can also understand the future of NeoWorld.

Let’s looking forward to a brand new NeoWorld!

If you need more information about the game, you can check the following links:



Rex Liu

#Crypto & Gaming Enthusiast. $ADA $BTC Hodler since 2018. #Cardano #NFT Explorer & Collector. SpaceBudz | Clay Nation | 10k Handle Club