The newly launched POE app now enables Hongkongers residents to access ChatGPT without the requirement for a VPN or overseas mobile number.

Sato Muffin
2 min readMar 4, 2023

On March 3, 2023, the highly regarded ChatGPT AI app was recognized worldwide for its exceptional features. Nevertheless, it had previously been inaccessible to certain individuals in Hong Kong due to geographical restrictions. Fortunately, the App Store has launched a new program called “Poe,” enabling Hong Kong residents to access the app without the need for a VPN or similar methods. This program allows users to register and use chatbots, including Sage and Claude, using their Hong Kong mobile numbers.

The app has been updated with more advanced features, allowing Hong Kong users to access the world’s most popular AI chatbot, ChatGPT, on their mobile devices without a VPN. This development is excellent news for Hong Kong’s internet users, who previously had to use a VPN to connect to a foreign network and obtain an overseas phone number for authentication before accessing ChatGPT on OpenAI’s website.

Hong Kong residents were finally given the chance to experience the power of this world-renowned AI a few days ago. ChatGPT opened its API to developers, expanding beyond its web version on March 2. Users in Hong Kong can now access ChatGPT through the “Poe” mobile app as a question-and-answer tool. The new ChatGPT option visible in the user interface of the “Poe” app confirms this.

Quora, a foreign question-and-answer website, introduced the “Poe” mobile app at the end of last year, which integrates several artificial bits of intelligence. However, until recently, ChatGPT was not an option, with only Sage, Claude, and Dragonfly available. It is worth noting that the artificial intelligence used by Sage and Dragonfly is from the same American company OpenAI as ChatGPT, but they are not the original ChatGPT.

It is essential to note that “Poe” is only currently compatible with iOS, and Android users must wait to access the program.

The launch of the “Poe” program has allowed Hong Kong residents to use ChatGPT’s powerful features without a VPN or an overseas phone number. With the updated features and the expansion to mobile devices, ChatGPT is now readily available to everyone in Hong Kong.

