Fight, but respect the opponentEver seen adblock? a simple Firefox (and probably Chrome) add-on that rescues you from the flood of online ads. I myself have gotten so…Oct 4, 2019Oct 4, 2019
Github: oops, you’re repo’s gone.The world’s leading software development platform, Github, in an arbitrary action, has limited, and in some cases completely blocked their…Jul 27, 2019Jul 27, 2019
Books of 20182018 is almost done. How was it? Awesome, book-wise. I read 10072 pages across 48 books, which makes an average of 209 pages per book. My…Dec 26, 2018Dec 26, 2018
Watching old football matchesI remember I was a child, maybe 10 or 11 years old. It was the New Year’s holidays in Iran. We were at my grandmother’s house. ( My family…Mar 15, 2018Mar 15, 2018
Football has always been one of the sports that I enjoy watching, but in these last couple of…I don’t know why, but i stopped watching football. It’s like it got boring. Suddenly watching a ball roll on the pitch, with two dozens of…Feb 23, 2018Feb 23, 2018
Snow In TehranThis week was awesome. It snowed, after a really long time. No one was expecting this much of snow anymore, we were just hoping to see some…Jan 29, 2018Jan 29, 2018