Roman to Integer: Deciphering Ancient Numerals with Modern Code

Reza Shokrzad
5 min readJun 17, 2024


A high-resolution image depicting Roman numerals IV, IX, and CM, floating amidst a futuristic digital transformation, with a backdrop that blends classical Roman architecture with modern computational technology.
Blending Eras: Roman Numerals Meet Digital Age Precision

Welcome back to this blog series dedicated to exploring essential computer algorithms and solving common coding problems. Today, we dive into the “Roman to Integer” problem, an interesting challenge that combines history with programming. Previously, we tackled the “Two Sum,” “Reverse Integer,” and “Palindrome Number” problems, which provided insights into numeric operations and data structures. Continuing with our journey, this post aims to demystify the process of converting Roman numerals, a numeral system from ancient Rome, into modern-day integers. This exploration not only enriches our coding toolkit but also connects us to a numeration system that has influenced countless aspects of modern society.

About the Problem of Roman Numerals

Roman numerals, a numeral system originating from ancient Rome, are a combination of letters from the Latin alphabet that signify values. These numerals include I, V, X, L, C, D, and M, each representing different values from 1 to 1000. Roman numerals are typically written from largest to smallest from left to right. However, to accommodate numbers like 4 and 9, a subtractive notation is used, where a smaller numeral placed before a larger numeral indicates subtraction, not addition.

Key Features of Roman Numerals:

  • Standard Values: I = 1, V = 5, X = 10, L = 50, C = 100, D = 500, M = 1000.
  • Subtractive Combinations: Examples include IV (4), IX (9), XL (40), XC (90), CD (400), and CM (900).

The Challenge: The main challenge in converting Roman numerals to integers is accurately interpreting these combinations and the order of symbols to compute the correct integer value.

This section sets the stage for a deeper exploration into the algorithmic approaches to convert these historical numerals into integers that our modern systems can understand and utilize.

Solutions for “Roman to Integer”

Simplest Solution: Sequential Parsing

This method involves parsing the Roman numeral string from left to right and adding the values corresponding to each numeral, with a special condition to handle subtractive cases.

def roman_to_int_simple(s):
# Mapping of Roman numerals to integers
roman_dict = {'I': 1, 'V': 5, 'X': 10, 'L': 50, 'C': 100, 'D': 500, 'M': 1000}
total = 0
prev_value = 0

for char in reversed(s): # Reverse to simplify subtractive cases
current_value = roman_dict[char]
if current_value < prev_value:
total -= current_value # Subtract if previous value is larger (subtractive case)
total += current_value # Otherwise, add the value
prev_value = current_value

return total

Optimized Solution: Mapping with Lookup

This solution uses a mapping dictionary and a single pass through the string but optimizes the decision-making process by checking subtractive cases using the next numeral in line rather than reversing the string.

def roman_to_int_optimized(s):
# Mapping of Roman numerals to integers
roman_dict = {'I': 1, 'V': 5, 'X': 10, 'L': 50, 'C': 100, 'D': 500, 'M': 1000}
total = 0
length = len(s)

for i in range(length):
value = roman_dict[s[i]]
# If the next numeral is larger, this must be a subtractive combination
if i + 1 < length and roman_dict[s[i + 1]] > value:
total -= value
total += value

return total

Complexity Analysis

Simplest Solution:

  • Time Complexity: O(n), where nnn is the length of the Roman numeral string. Each character is processed once in reverse order.
  • Space Complexity: O(1), as the dictionary uses a constant amount of space and there are no dynamically sized data structures.

Optimized Solution:

  • Time Complexity: O(n), similar to the simplest solution, as each numeral is processed once.
  • Space Complexity: O(1), which includes the storage for the dictionary and a few auxiliary variables for tracking values.

Mapping Method Explanation

The mapping method is a fundamental concept in computer science used to associate each item in a dataset with a unique key or identifier, allowing for quick retrieval and efficient data handling. This method is foundational in creating and using dictionaries or hash maps, where each key is directly linked to a value. By structuring data this way, algorithms can bypass the need for iterative searches, instead accessing data in constant time under ideal conditions. For a deeper understanding of this concept, refer to the Wikipedia article on Mapping which elaborates on various applications and the theory behind mappings in computing.

In the context of algorithm design, mapping significantly reduces complexity by minimizing the steps required to fetch data associated with specific keys. This is particularly advantageous in problems where rapid access to data is crucial, as in the case of converting Roman numerals to integers. Here, mapping allows for instant access to the integers corresponding to Roman numeral characters, thereby simplifying the logic and speeding up the computation. This technique exemplifies how theoretical concepts from data structures can be effectively applied to practical programming challenges, enhancing both performance and clarity.

The mapping method in the context of the “Roman to Integer” conversion involves using a dictionary where the keys are the Roman numeral symbols (I, V, X, L, C, D, M), and the values are the respective integers they represent. This method allows for efficient lookup of values corresponding to each symbol in the Roman numeral string. The main advantage of this method is its direct access pattern, which eliminates the need for complex condition checks or iterative searching, thus speeding up the conversion process.


In this exploration of converting Roman numerals to integers, we have seen two approaches: a simple sequential parsing technique and a more direct optimized method using a lookup dictionary. Both approaches efficiently solve the problem with a linear time complexity, but the optimized version simplifies the process by directly comparing adjacent numerals for subtractive cases. This study not only highlights the practical application of mapping techniques in solving classical problems but also demonstrates efficient algorithm design that can be applied in various computational contexts. Through these insights, we can appreciate the elegance and utility of algorithmic strategies in bridging the gap between historical numeral systems and modern computational needs.

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