BOOK REVIEW–Voice-Over Voice Actor: What It’s Like Behind the Mic

Just A Poor Boy
3 min readApr 29, 2019


A PEEK INTO THE WORLD OF PROFESSIONAL VOICE ACTING — is what this book and other sources are promoting it as, but it also seems quite fitting to describe it as a collection of kinks and wrinkles to look out for the voice acting field.

Written by the power couple duo of Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt of Yuri Lowenthal and Tara Platt fame, this book sets out to provide comprehensive insight into the voice acting world as well as tips on auditioning, home recording, as well as working with industry veterans and agents. Who better than two renowned voice actors, with roles ranging from video games to television to animation to transcribe their experiences (as well as anecdotes from several industry workers) into this book.

The sections the book focuses on are presented in a cleverly digestible manner, swinging from both witty and observational standpoints. The section on animation work in particular is delivered with a conciseness that sounds like something only discussed between two already-experienced actors working in the field and not your average aspiring part-timer.

Maximizing the potential voice-over actors in the readers is a strong point too as the pair inform the readers about the things that happen behind the microphone along with guides on how to set up a recording studio and realistically detailing the path it takes for one person to become a professional voice actor in the modern industry.

Not only are the contents of the book extremely informative and up-to-date, the book is stylized in a very conventional and gives off a relaxed aura to it, in contrast to all other books in the same genre with a very clinical tone. At the same time, the book is filled to the brim with professional insight, such as the anecdotes peppered throughout the contents of the book.

It’s very surprising as to how much Yuri and Tara bring out their personal flair into this work. It is at times charming and at times inspirational to hear their personal anecdotes when working in the industry, crafting it to be as accessible as possible to appeal to a younger generation of fresh talent.

Voice acting is a tedious job, working hours a day in order to fulfill a role that isn’t guaranteed to get you a spotlight, not as long as Troy Baker is still somebody that the industry still considers to be existing, which is why this book serves as a good mental reminder of the importance of building a brand rep and taking opportunities that result in a better career and a more viable brand for you and potential employers.

Although i personally am not planning on taking up the mantle of becoming a voice actor, myself, i am working in an industry closely related to the voice acting industry, as well as one where personal branding and a good work ethic matters in terms of a creative context. The book provides a lot of useful information as well as technical details on the make-or-break differences for a good voice actor. Overall, great read.

God bless you, Troy Baker.

