Introduction of a Journal Article

Reza Aryanto
5 min readMar 20, 2024


Writing an academic paper, in engineering, economics, marketing, finance, business and management or any other research field, can present difficulties whether you are just starting off publishing articles, or you are an experienced Author. Sometimes a little guidance and a few tips can provide a source of inspiration or take you off a writer’s block.

Guidelines for Academic Article’s Introduction

  1. Context Presentation of Your Academic Article

In the first section of your academic article, you should create a background of the paper, more specifically how it fits in with previous research in the field. The context of your article could also follow a narrative that explains the subject in a short historical presentation, to emphasize the different points of view and provide a short literature review. Make sure to include relevant references, but also current publications. The short literature review included in the Introduction of your article should be written in a way that appeals to a wider range of readers. Discuss different points of view from relevant related literature, but do not feel compelled to include an exhaustive historical account. Develop the problem with enough breadth and clarity to make it generally understood by as wide a professional audience as possible.

The references you include in writing your academic article’s Introduction can be presented:

  • in chronological order if it helps the development of your research subject;
  • grouped by different approaches/theories/models;
  • starting from a general framework and working on the specifics of the topic examined

2. Purpose and Importance of Your Article

Your academic article’s Introduction writing should state the reasons why the problem deserves new research. You have to clarify the requirement for the study and you can achieve this by explaining the purpose of the research and its importance.

The purpose of your scholarly article can be related to:

  • introducing the issues related to the topic of your analysis or problems with previous studies that would be improved in your article,
  • creating a research space, which your academic article addresses and plans to cover

3. Research Questions and Methodology

After explaining the purpose and importance of your academic article, you should focus on presenting the main research questions you are going to explore.

Whether your academic article is theoretical or empirical, you will still have objectives and questions you are targeting in your paper. In this context, you can relate your research questions to the methodology used in your study.

Although you can provide information about your methodology or findings in the Introduction, it’s better if you don’t give too many details because you will examine them in the Methodology or Results sections

4. Article Structure

The last paragraph of your research paper’s Introduction should present a quick overview of your paper’s structure.

This is a journal introduction that i am trying to make

Development of Machine Learning Using the ANFIS Method to Predict Mine Erosion Values in Coal Mines

Soil erosion poses a major environmental threat to the sustainability and productivity of land, which impacts the climate crisis and food security. Indonesia needs to reduce the risk of erosion because three of the 10 rivers in the world with the highest risk of erosion are in Indonesia.

Soil is a natural resource that appears solid and will never run out, but is actually fragile and requires a process of formation over thousands of years. The topsoil closest to the soil surface contains essential nutrients for plants. This soil layer faces the threat of erosion caused by wind and water (soil erosion in tropical countries like Indonesia is mostly caused by water). Erosion can reduce soil fertility, and soil particles carried by surface flows can enter water bodies such as rivers, lakes, or dams. This can create a thick layer of sediment, which reduces the capacity of the dam and makes the flow in tributaries and rivers less smooth, which can cause flooding. If soil erosion has already occurred, the possibility of a similar event occurring again is high.

The speed of erosion cannot be balanced by the speed of soil formation, so soil and water conservation measures are taken, such as reforestation and maintenance of riverside vegetation, the construction of conservation structures, and rainwater management. In coal mining areas, erosion is important because coal mining areas have open land, soil material that is loose after excavation, and the speed of surface water flow towards river basins is high.

Erosivity of coal mining areas that consider optimum rainfall order can help accurate implementation of conservation practices such as preserving soil by controlling runoff, increasing water infiltration, and minimizing soil transport.

The Markov chain is a random process to determine the current properties of a variable based on its properties in the past, where this information is used to predict the properties of that variable in the future (Siagian, 2003). A Markov chain is a random process that has the property that information on the current condition only depends on the condition of one previous period.

For the first time, Gabriel and Neumann (1962) applied a Markov chain model to determine the nature of daily rainfall in Tel. Aviv. Modeling the distribution of wet (dry) days in Peninsular Malaysia has also been studied by Deni et al. (2009), who used a Markov chain model. The Markov chain model has also been applied by Garg and Singh (2010) to determine the probability and duration of wet (dry) conditions as well as weather cycles in Pantnagar, India. First-order and homogeneous Markov chain models have also been studied by Sanusi et al. (2015). Likewise, Ihsan et al. (2019) have used a Markov chain model to predict the monthly rainfall behavior of the city of Makassar. Sanusi et al. (2015) and Ihsan et al. (2019) have used a first-order Markov chain model, which means that the current state is only influenced by the state of the previous period. However, it does not rule out the possibility that a Markov chain with a higher order is an optimal order.

Soil erosion prediction using the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) model is considered the most popular and widely used. The USLE equation groups various physical and management parameters that influence the rate of erosion into six main parameters, namely the amount of soil eroded in tons per hectare per year, rainfall and surface flow factors (rain erosion), soil erodibility factors, slope length factors, slope steepness, ground cover vegetation factors, and plant management, as well as special soil conservation action factors. This research explores the ability of the ANFIS model to assess soil erosion in river watersheds in mining areas by considering the optimum rainfall order and erosivity. Research on the ability of the ANFIS model for erosion has been carried out by Islam (2018), who added microbial biomass factors, investigated micro- and nanoscale erosion particles (Shamshirband, 2015), and Djedou (2019), who used ANFIS to predict the rate of soil erosion in river basins. . Previous research using ANFIS has also been carried out in ITB mining engineering by Ihsan et al. (2023 on underground mine ventilation systems).

