5 Tips to Reduce Screen Time and Improve Sleep

Reza Learned It
6 min readJun 21, 2023


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk

In today’s digital age, smartphones have become an integral part of our lives. However, excessive screen time, particularly before bed, can disrupt our sleep patterns and impact our overall well-being. To address this issue, we need effective strategies to reduce smartphone usage and promote a restful night’s sleep. In this article, we will explore five practical tips to help you establish a smartphone bedtime mode, allowing you to limit screen time and improve sleep quality. Let’s delve into these tips and regain control over our nighttime routines.

Tip 1: Set a Digital Curfew

Establishing a digital curfew is a powerful way to disconnect from electronic devices and create a boundary between technology and restful sleep. Many of us have a habit of scrolling through our smartphones late into the night, which can hinder our ability to unwind and fall asleep. By setting a specific time each night when you will stop using your smartphone, you can create a buffer zone that prepares your mind and body for sleep.

Consider determining a time that allows for a wind-down period of at least one hour before your intended bedtime. During this time, engage in relaxing activities that promote a sense of calm. This could include reading a book, practicing meditation or gentle stretches, taking a warm bath, or enjoying quality time with loved ones. By setting a digital curfew, you establish a routine that sends a signal to your brain that it’s time to unwind and prepare for sleep.

Tip 2: Create a Smartphone Charging Station Outside the Bedroom

Keeping your smartphone within reach on your nightstand can easily lead to temptation and increased screen time. The blue light emitted by the screen can disrupt your sleep by suppressing the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness. To break this habit and create a healthier sleep environment, consider creating a dedicated smartphone charging station outside your bedroom.

Designate a specific area, such as a home office or living room, where you will place your phone to charge overnight. This physical separation ensures that your bedroom remains a screen-free zone, promoting better sleep hygiene and reducing distractions. Additionally, having your smartphone in a separate room reduces the temptation to check notifications or engage with your device before sleep and immediately upon waking up.

Tip 3: Enable Grayscale Mode

One effective technique to reduce smartphone usage before bed is to enable grayscale mode on your device. Grayscale mode removes the vibrant colors from your screen, making it less visually appealing and reducing the temptation to engage with your smartphone. By desaturating the display, you can create a visual reminder that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

Enabling grayscale mode varies depending on the type of smartphone you have. For iOS devices, navigate to Settings > Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters, then toggle on “Color Filters” and select “Grayscale.” On Samsung devices, go to Go to Settings > Accessibility > Visibility enhancements. Select Color correction and tap Grayscale from the available options. Once grayscale mode is enabled, you’ll experience a visual transformation that helps reduce the allure of vibrant colors and minimizes distractions.

Tip 4: Utilize Do Not Disturb and Bedtime Mode Features

Modern smartphones offer features like “Do Not Disturb” and “Bedtime Mode” that can be invaluable in reducing interruptions and creating a peaceful sleep environment. These features allow you to silence notifications, calls, and messages during designated hours, ensuring that your sleep remains undisturbed.

The “Do Not Disturb” feature enables you to customize the hours when you do not want to receive any notifications or calls. This can be particularly helpful during your designated wind-down period and throughout the night. By setting these boundaries, you eliminate the constant buzzing or beeping that can disrupt your relaxation and sleep.

Furthermore, the “Bedtime Mode” feature, available on some smartphones, goes a step further by incorporating a gentle alarm and providing a simplified lock screen during designated hours. This feature minimizes screen engagement during the night and encourages a more peaceful and uninterrupted sleep experience.

To enable these features, navigate to your smartphone’s settings and look for the “Do Not Disturb” and “Bedtime Mode” options. Customize the settings according to your preferences, ensuring that notifications are silenced and your sleep environment remains tranquil.

Tip 5: Use Apps to Limit App Access

Dedicated apps can be powerful tools to help you limit app access and manage your screen time effectively. By utilizing these apps, you can create a more intentional and mindful approach to smartphone usage, ensuring that your evenings are focused on rest and relaxation rather than endless scrolling.

Forest is an app that allows you to grow a virtual forest by setting a timer and refraining from using your smartphone. The longer you stay away from your device, the more your virtual forest flourishes. This visual representation of your progress serves as a motivating factor to resist the urge to use your smartphone unnecessarily.

Offtime is another app that enables you to block specific apps or set predetermined usage limits during designated hours. It provides a user-friendly interface where you can create customized profiles to fit your needs. By setting restrictions, you can free yourself from the distractions of social media, games, or other time-consuming apps during your designated wind-down period and sleep hours.

AppBlock is a versatile app that allows you to block or limit access to specific apps or app categories. You can create schedules and set time limits, ensuring that certain apps are inaccessible during your desired periods of reduced screen time. This app empowers you to regain control over your smartphone usage and establish healthier habits.

Explore these apps and others available on your smartphone’s app store to find one that aligns with your goals and preferences. By utilizing app restrictions, time limits, and usage tracking, you can take charge of your smartphone usage and create a healthier balance between technology and sleep.

Reducing screen time and improving sleep are paramount in maintaining our overall well-being. By implementing a smartphone bedtime mode and following the tips outlined in this article, we can create a healthier balance between technology and rest, ultimately leading to improved sleep quality. Prioritizing our sleep and reducing excessive screen time not only benefits our physical and mental health but also enhances our productivity and quality of life. So, let’s take charge of our smartphone usage, establish a bedtime routine, and create a peaceful environment conducive to restful sleep. Embrace the transformative power of reducing screen time and experience the positive impact it can have on our lives.

Disclaimer: It’s important to note that I am not sponsored by any of the apps mentioned in this article. The recommendations provided are based on their popularity and positive user feedback. The goal is to offer helpful suggestions to reduce smartphone usage before bed and improve sleep quality. Remember to explore various options and choose the apps that align with your preferences and needs.

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Reza Learned It

I share my journey of personal growth, focusing on productivity, mental well-being, and life lessons. Join me as I explore ways to lead a fulfilling life.