A quick guide to model errors in Rails

Ricardo Fleury
2 min readFeb 21, 2017


When initialized, every Rails model inheriting from ActiveRecord::Base implicitly instantiates an ActiveModel::Errors object. That object is accessible via the #errors method on the model’s instance and contains the errors generated when the model is validated on a create or update action. The presence of any errors prevents the model from being saved successfully, returning false from #save or an exception (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) from #save!.

Let’s dive into the structure of the ActiveModel::Errors object, how we can add and customize errors, and then format them for display.

For the example, we have a Shipment model with some standard validations:

class Shipment < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :weight, :height, :depth, :width,
message: “needs to exist in order to have a box!”
validates_numericality_of :weight, :height, :depth, :width ...

The errors are formatted as a hash with attributes as the keys and arrays of error messages as the hash values. We can access the unformatted messages hash by using the #messages method on the errors object. Note that we used the :message option to customize the message coming from the presence validation.

shipment = Shipment.create(weight: 2, height: 2, width: “boo”)
=> {
:depth=>[“needs to exist in order to have a box!”, “is not a number”],
:width=>[“is not a number”]

For custom validations (here’s a post detailing custom validation strategies), my preferred way to add errors manually with the #add method. If the error is not confined to an attribute, we may choose to assign another descriptive term or default to :base. Here are ways to add errors manually:

shipment.errors.add(:base, “is a not valid generic message”)
shipment.errors[:base] = “is a not valid generic message”

After the basic validation and these new errors, we get the following #messages hash:

=> {
:depth=>[“needs to exist in order to have a box!”, “is not a number”],
:width=>[“is not a number”],
:base=>[“is a not valid generic message”]

Now that we have the messages as a hash, the errors object exposes a few useful methods to sanitize and access additional error information. Here are some examples based on the errors above:

# full_messages
=> [“Depth needs to exist in order to have a box!”, “Depth is not a number”, “Width is not a number”, “is a not valid generic message”]
# full_messages_for
=> [“Depth needs to exist in order to have a box!”, “Depth is not a number”]
# get — gets only the messages without the keys
=> [“needs to exist in order to have a box!”, “is not a number”]
# include?
=> true
# empty?
=> false
# clear — clears all errors
=> []

Thank you for reading. I appreciate any feedback that helps be a better writer and communicator, so please don’t hesitate to comment. Also open to future topics. Find my other posts on my Medium page.



Ricardo Fleury

Web developer looking to learn and teach. Brasileiro. Soccer junkie.