You are my purple.

2 min readSep 25, 2023


Altho it’s not weird if i say anything with color, like brown in coffee, golden in sunset, blue in sadness, green in life, black in suit, and yellow in moments. but once in my life i never know what purple mean is.

All i know purple is bright, and bright is good i guess? but that is not enough, and i am on a finding mission to find what purple is. i ask my dad what purple is

And he said; “It’s just color, and i never liked how purple color looks like”

My dad was kinda intrusive with his thoughts, and when i ask my mom;

“I don’t know much about color, but purple is pretty, so the meaning must be” she said.

i used to love moms word, but this time she is not fullfiled my curiosity. and so i gave up to this finding mission.

But then i met her.

with her hair braid into two side, her small hands softer than silk, her laugh more beautiful than Novo Amor, her walk is lovely, her personality is golden.

Altho it’s not weird if i say anything with color, like brown in coffee, golden in sunset, blue in sadness, green in life, black in suit, yellow in moments,

And purple is you.

Purple is someone who came into your life and made it better by simply being there, they make you feel good, and your life wouldn’t be the same without them.




A Passionate visual artist driven by the beauty of expression through words, canvas, and imagination.