An Open-Mind with a Closed-Minded Person — Can a Relationship Work?

One will have to change for the other.

Ruban F. Ribeiro


Photo by Ryan Jacobson on Unsplash

On one hand…

You have someone willing to understand your point of view, to listen to anything you have to say. An open-minded person sees past your flaws and insecurities and tells you it’s OK. They want to hear the truth, because they will tell you what they believe is truth, too. This type of person accepts their own weaknesses, so much so that you can see them. Many times people like this fall under the category of weird, interesting or mysterious.

A person willing to take in new information is a person that firmly believes that nothing and nobody is perfect, there’s always something or someone that needs improvement, including themselves. Always more to learn.

Although in literal terms nothing and nobody is perfect, it does not mean that that a tree that loses its leaves in Autumn isn’t beautiful. It takes at least a considerate person to acknowledge that there is perfection in imperfection, in nature and in people.

An open-minded person enjoys “different” people because “different” people are open-minded. For this reason and others, they are more likely to want to know more about your personality, what you don’t like about yourself and the way you behave rather…



Ruban F. Ribeiro

A whole lot of honesty, some good sense and sound judgment. A writer who focuses on helping you better yourself.