Have I Fallen Out of Love Because of Depression, or Do I Not Love My Partner Anymore?

A confusing battle that you usually fight alone.

Ruban F. Ribeiro


“A dim shot of a person sitting on a bench and casting a long shadow” by Igor Ovsyannykov on Unsplash

Is my misery affecting the relationship, or is the relationship affecting my misery?

Am I depressed because of my partner, or because of my childhood?

Is it because of what my partner said last week, or what happened to me last month?

The similarities of the same question vary quite a lot. This is a problem that can be helped and possibly solved if you’re able to catch your thoughts before your feelings overcome you.

Let’s deal into this with a different question in mind:

What came first, the depression or the significant other?

What we know for sure is that depression can and does play with your emotions and feelings. An example: You can love an activity at one point, and then not be interested in it at all the next. This can last days, weeks and even be a bother in your life for a long time — hobbies, foods, sleep and yes, people too.

If the depression came first, as to say you already had it before your relationship, then surely it can’t be your partner’s fault. No matter how charming, sweet and great he…



Ruban F. Ribeiro

A whole lot of honesty, some good sense and sound judgment. A writer who focuses on helping you better yourself. rubanribeiro@gmail.com