“Hey, Babe… Are we Okay?”

Do not wait to have the conversation you both need.

Ruban F. Ribeiro
3 min readJul 25, 2018


Photo by Nik Shuliahin on Unsplash

Some people say you should never sleep with a worried mind, don’t leave the problems of today for tomorrow.

Some people say “you should sleep on it”.

I say if stuff bothers you enough that you can’t fall asleep then it should be brought up and not forced to sit in your head. Contrary to popular belief, you want to bring up even the silliest of things if they’re truly occupying your brain in such a way you begin to have ill thoughts and ideas.

According to Mark Twain, if you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything. On a similar note, If you speak your mind you’ll never have to wonder.

In a relationship, It’s important to have your brain storage only be accessible to crucial information, happy times and meaningful events as much as possible. The more you quarantine nonsense and clear it out the happier you will be.

The same way it doesn’t take much to trigger and change your mood, it doesn’t take more than one question with a few words to start bettering it.

“Is everything all right?”

“Do you want to talk about something?”

“Are we okay?”



Ruban F. Ribeiro

A whole lot of honesty, some good sense and sound judgment. A writer who focuses on helping you better yourself. rubanribeiro@gmail.com