Pet Feeder: Arduino + 3D Printer

About 3 weeks ago I didn’t own an Arduino, I also didn’t own a 3d printer. Today I can show you my first Arduino & 3d printer project.

Ricky Funk
3 min readDec 29, 2018


It all started when I found an app concept for pets. Since I’m a software developer it got me thinking “Hmmm this is a good idea for s side project”, just to have fun and keep my learning going, you see, this is how I learn, I just do stuff.

The only dilemma with developing an app, is that… it’s just an app, there are about 1,000 different pet apps. It all changed when I started thinking about mixing hardware and software, now I could have fun, but how hard could it be?

This was my plan:

  • Learn about Arduino
  • Get an Arduino
  • Play with the Arduino
  • Learn about 3D Printing
  • Get a 3D Printer

That plan didn’t work.

I got an Arduino kit probably 2 days after learning about Arduino. It sounded great, plus I had a friend of mine that already played with Arduino a few months ago and he…



Ricky Funk

I am dedicated to empower people to reach their full potential. Assuring a growth mindset, a theme of inspiring excellence, and empowering team members and lead