Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You

‘I am getting to know so much about her and, fortunately, I delight in each new thing’

Roxane Gay
8 min readJun 2, 2020
Photo: South_agency/E+/Getty Images

For the entirety of our relationship, my fiancée Debbie and I have been long distance. Or, we were long distance. She is based in New York City and I am based in Los Angeles and we are both stubborn about changing our geographies. For the first six months of our relationship, I was teaching in Connecticut, flying East every other week. Despite the distance, we saw each other regularly. Then, we just made it work. As frequently as we saw each other, we never really spent a significant amount of uninterrupted time together. I was always jetting off to an event here or there or returning to Los Angeles for my work there, my life there. Or she was jetting off to an event somewhere. Or she had to return to New York, after visiting me in L.A., because of her day job.

We were never concerned about the distance. We’re even getting married. Our friends, on the other hand, have long been deeply concerned about the matter of residence. We get a lot of questions about how we will manage the logistics of our marriage. We laugh and say we’re going to continue being bi-coastal. She loves her city and I love mine and we both have good reasons for living where we do.



Roxane Gay

I write. I want a tiny baby elephant. If you clap, I clap back. Books.: Ayiti, Untamed State, Bad Feminist. Difficult Women, World of Wakanda 1–5, Hunger.