The Debriefing — Episode 4: A Weak Week

3 min readDec 22, 2015


Ok, ok, I know, it’s been more than a week since I last did a debriefing. It’s not a great excuse, but here goes: I went out of town to visit my sister last Thursday and forgot all about it. If that’s not bad enough, this week’s debriefing is going to be a throwback to a mission I completed last month but haven’t written about yet. What have I been up to that’s led this week to be so lame? Two things, 1) Getting version 1.0 of Checkverse working on Android and 2) Celebrating Christmas

Running On Eggshells

ROM COM SPOILERS AHEAD! Pretty Woman wasn’t the only movie starring Richard Gere and Julia Roberts. No, the success of that film led to the creation of another, lesser known classic: The Runaway Bride. Maybe you’ve seen it, maybe you haven’t. The basic premise is that there’s a lady (Julia Roberts) who has repeatedly retreated from various men at the altar. She just can’t see the nuptials through. Woe is Julia. But then! One man (Richard Gere) falls in love with her and figures out how to get her to check off “Get married”. How does he do it?


You see Richard told Julia that she always loses herself in the men she’s seeing and never figures out her own identity. How does he illustrate it? He asks her how she likes her eggs. Julia had always ordered the same style of eggs as her current fling. She never learned her favorite. Richard finally snags Julia by revealing this to her. So what does she do? She makes eggs all the different ways and finds out her favorite kind.

What’s her favorite? Go see the movie. I’m not going to spoil it for you.

With all that said, this debriefing is all about that central question of The Runaway Bride: “What’s your favorite kind of eggs?”

The mission? Eggsperiments.

The Debriefing

This mission might not include every possible way to prepare eggs, but it includes the major approaches. As per usual, here’s what my results look like for the 9 styles I prepared:

These actually look pretty damn good.

So what did I learn from making eggs these 9 different ways?

  • I’m much better at making eggs than baking. That’s likely due to having more practice.
  • There’s an art to hard boiled eggs. I used this walkthrough and I was pretty happy with the results. I was able to de-shell the eggs easily and they were cooked almost perfectly in the middle. From some reading I learned that chefs often hard boil in large batches because they know they’ll always have a few bad eggs so I was pretty lucky.
  • Poached eggs make a foamy mess. I don’t know if I did it wrong or what, but my poached eggs left a ton of odd froth in my pot. Sure the result looks super delicious when you clean it up, but the poultry soup the eggs were conceived in does no look good and makes me feel like I’m wasting a lot of egg white.
  • Soft boiled eggs are pretty good, but not worth the stress. If you think it’s difficult to make the perfect hard boiled egg, then get ready for soft boiled eggs. Maybe it was a little more stressful because I’d never done it before. You have to be really spot-on with your timing. Take them out too early and you have a runny egg, too late and you have a hard boiled one.
  • Baked eggs are super delicious. Eggs and tomato sauce? I never thought those things would go well together. I was wrong. I’d never heard of baked eggs before making this mission and wow, they are awesome. I had to buy some ramekins to make them, but the result was tasty. I used this recipe if you want to give it a try:

That’s everything. I hope you found this eggciting! If you’re engaged and want to figure out you’re favorite style of eggs before day your wedding day, or maybe you just want to know more about your own tastes, try the Eggsperiments mission. I had a great time, got some new kitchen equipment (ramekins) and learned some delicious new ways to prepare one of my favorite foods.

Till next time!


