What is Elastos?

Roshan Ghadamian
2 min readJun 30, 2018


Elastos is a completely open source, network operating system that utilises the decentralisation of P2P communication (Elastos Carrier) and security of blockchain to create an end-to-end secure web environment for users and IoT devices.

It also creates for the first time a space for creatives to build true digital wealth and protect their intellectual property similar to real world assets like real-estate or stocks.

To give an example…

Elastos is to blockchain what Windows is to SMTP (the email protocol standard).

Most blockchains are competing to be the best ‘protocol’ for their specific use case e.g. identity verification, smart contracts etc. and the conversation perpetually revolves around which has the highest TPS or which is more decentralised.

Elastos doesn’t compete in this game.

In the example for email, Windows is not trying to build a new email protocol (e.g. blockchain). The SMTP protocol is the most accepted and agreed upon standard for transfer of information that means that all apps can understand the information in a consistent way and is interoperable with Mac, Linux, Windows, iOS etc.

Windows’ aim isn’t to make the fastest/prettiest/most user friendly email client (the app you use to read and respond to your emails). That’s the job of many other app developers e.g. Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail etc.

Windows instead seeks to create a reliable infrastructure platform with consistent, in-built functions to engage with the hardware of your device, connect to the internet and many other things so that app developers can focus on one thing, which is to build the best apps possible for their customers.

Elastos is like a decentralised, upgraded security version of the Windows operating system and is owned by everyone (open sourced), not one company. Elastos focuses on providing a secure infrastructure platform for developers and business people to build useful fast, scalable and secure dApps to interact with any blockchain, using any operating system and device.

It is protocol agnostic which gives dApp developers complete freedom to choose which blockchain protocols they want to use for their dApps.

There is literally nothing like Elastos in the world today for blockchain, and it is incredibly necessary.

Elastos Trinity & ELA Pay mockups



Roshan Ghadamian

Program Director VC Catalyst. Startup Founder, Growth Expert, Developer. Fan of Blockchain, Decentralised Finance #DeFi, Ethereum