An In-Depth Buzztilt Review, How a Boutique Crowdfunding PR Agency Disrupted the Industry

Roger Kipp
3 min readJun 23, 2017


Buzztilt is a Los Angeles, CA based crowdfunding PR Agency that specializes in helping crowdfunding projects on platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo gain exposure through meaningful public relations campaigns. For several years running now, they have grown to become the leading global crowdfunding PR agency focused exclusively on the media side of things. With crowdfunding set to eclipse in pure dollars the amount raised by startups over traditional venture capital money.

There are two traditional approaches that crowdfunding agencies like Buzztilt use to help their clients; one is social media advertising and promotion, and two is on the PR side of things where Buzztilt lands. In 2017, there are an incredible amount of projects that launch every day on the major crowdfunding platforms which means competition for attention is fiercer than ever. For ever 10 projects that launch on Kickstarter, over 7 on average will fail to meet their raise goal. It’s fair to stay now, more than ever, having a PR strategy in place should be a part of every campaign’s arsenal.

Crowdfunding has changed the game for startups worldwide.

So how do they do it exactly and what separates an agency like Buzztilt with a proven name in helping crowdfunders raise millions while being featured on dozens of top media outlets from all the others? To find out, it’s important to review the background of the company while analyzing their methods results which we I will attempt to do in this article to aid other crowdfunders out there.

Buzztilt is one of the longest running crowdfunding PR Agency’s in the world, with a long track record over several years putting together a showcase reference that many in the industry would envy. You don’t get there overnight without serious hustle, connections, and a complete understanding of the crowdfunding world at large. Many products can easily raise thousands of dollars on their own, but when the magic of a well-executed PR campaign strikes, the results can be truly incredible and take an average campaign into the crowdfunding raise stratosphere. With the aid of true creative professionals, it is possible to tell your story on a scale like never before, reaching untapped audiences at a fraction of the cost that a traditional social media advertising campaign would cost while targeting hundreds at a cost per click that traditionally does not convert.

Buzztilt boasts a track record and experienced professionals who have worked in tech and entertainment and are applying strategies and services typically only available to elite VC-funded startups and major corporations to crowdfunding campaigns. A crowdfunding PR Agency that exclusively works in the PR side of things, understands the nuances of the process, where to target a project, and the extreme timeline that any project is under once the go button is launched. With an incredible reach and targeted outreach approach, campaign’s are seeing their pledge rate and exposure multiply with the help of an experienced team that can put their project in front of the right eyes.

The power of PR on a crowdfunding campaign is undeniable

Crowdfunders, startup companies, and small businesses are starting to awake to the power that a truly powerful PR campaign can have on a crowdfunding campaign’s potential. Though an exclusive agency, Buzztilt does take applications for campaigns that show potential to have their story told in major media outlets. The company does heavily vet each campaign for viability, but for those campaigns that show something special the ability to team up with an experienced and professional team at Buzztilt can really scale a campaign to the next level. They also offer consultations, so reach out if you believe your campaign has the potential to go viral. You might just become one of their next great success stories.

