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I have been fired before

Gokul V
6 min readJan 3, 2015


……not because of incompetence, but for being a quintessential pain-in-the-butt. Those who are fired: I feel your pain.

People have tried to cut me down to size several times, since elementary school. Funny, I haven’t changed much; I continue to piss people off, even those ones who are pretty close and spend time with me everyday, patiently.

However, this isn’t about me. This is about those Indian-tech-services-giant-fires-25k-people sensational idiocy.

India, Inc

Wipro, Infosys, TCS, CTS, HCL and others (say, WITCHes)…. they are all the same. All these are Software Services companies which started picking up speed at the dawn of the millennium, give or take couple of years, all having a large employee base in India and sold body-time, mostly to Western countries.

When I worked in the US (See what I did there. If someone isn’t telling you that (s)he has been to a <country>, what is the point in (s)he going there), one customer quipped “All you folks are the same. If I fire one contractor (company) and appoint another, the same guy comes and sits in the same seat and does the same work. Even if I get a different one, no dice. Same lack of punctuality, curry-smelling shirts, half-sleeves-during-winter and same sweater forever. Cockroaches.”

That is India, Inc for you. You don’t like an incompetent one? Wait a minute. We will send you another one. Different names, different Vision-Mission-Values, but we are all the same.


For the uninitiated: Y axis is y, X axis is x and m is the positive slope, greater than 1.

y=mx is what mature industries enjoy. The growth is predictable, lucid; there is a steady stream of people who get supplied into, and the competent ones get promoted. End of story.

y=e^x is what happens to those industries which are nascent. (Shameless plug: This is what is happening to mobile app development shops now. Am running one.) A decade ago, this is what happened to offshore-led software services industy.

The onsite-offshore move

Witches who were predominantly selling bodies onsite (Time & Material), started moving offshore (on Fixed price, as ‘Projects’).

It was done in phases. First it was moving 70% of the onsite-controlled work to an offshore location. Over a five year period, at the end, the customer-company moved 70% of the business processes to be executed from an offshore location (India-to-India model). Pretty complicated, lets leave that for now.

On a Time & Material model, the customer keeps the body, er… the contractor, close to him logically or physically, and monitors him hourly. And pays hourly. In a Fixed Price model, the customer lets go of all the managing trouble and gives a project to be completed on a Fixed Time/Effort/Money defined and signed-off on a document.

Now who will do the job of managing a group of tech folks sitting in an offshore location?

The rise of Onsite coordinator

A cursed role. I was one for a while, and ran away as far and as quick as possible.

It is like being an internal customer for the offshore team, with no skills of running a real business like the actual customer. It is like being the tech-guru for the customer lacking necessary tech skills.

Responding to the offshore team spontaneously isn’t possible because there are no real business skills. Responding to the customer on-the-fly isn’t possible because the offshore team has a general sadistic pleasure of not being concrete on anything. Incompetent cockroaches. Regardless of the location.

What will the poor bastard do? What are his/her skills?

The Communication Skill

Instead of this being a cornerstone for every individual who breaks bread by selling him/herself, some people who had this ‘communication skill’ were promoted to be onsite coordinators. Sitting onsite in such a role was considered ‘Promotion’, and it was a dream come true for many.

Witches initially identified people within a project to be Onsite coordinators (alternate titles: Project Manager, Onsite Lead, Quality Coordinator, whatever-the-fish-dude…..), which later deteriorated to “I have run so many projects in varied technologies, now I can run any project. Because Project Management skill is such a common thing, I can build anything now. I figured that all I need is communication skills. I will do PMP certification or PRINCE2 certification and become a manager.”

Going up the ladder

Remember y=e^x? The need for too many of these people showed up. Because the growth was so skewed positively, a lot such unskilled and under-skilled people went up the ladder, just because they have done time or they are old.

Every step in the ladder meant more money. Going up, up and up to the top of the pyramid meant more responsibilities. It also meant another thing: becoming the dreaded, non-billable resource.

The non-billable

When people go up the ladder, lot many people/projects/customer-companies aka accounts/locations will come under the purview, and one can’t really produce anything that can be sold. Remember? Witches bill time, one way or another. Such people can’t be billed and become a non-billable.

When you are a non-billable, you become responsible for bringing money. If you aren’t capable of bringing business, your management will hang an invisible knife on top of your head and you are the first one to go when the company is in trouble. Or if the company thinks that there is too much flab.

The rightsizing

The I-wont-mention-the-name-of-it company is doing the right sizing by cutting flab. Instead of keeping the highly-paid, non-billable ‘resources’, they will hire billable, entry-level employees. Savings in two fronts: flab is gone and new lower-cost ones will bring in money. Tada.

The Wish

India, Inc should start doing this. There is flab in every company; people who pose as leaders with no real marketable skills should go.

I have spent enough time in the unmentionable-company to understand them. They are really, really great people. I left them nine years ago, but I know that the basic goodness in them can never change. I bet they would have given enough signs/warnings to those who are “leaving themselves”. I still see “resources” whose last real work was on Business Objects 3.0. Alas!


Why did they push such allegedly incompetent fellows up? “Business pressure.” Are they capitalists? “You bet.” So, they used the people when they wanted them the most, and threw them out when they didn’t need them? “Well yeah, thats what it looks like.”

Ugh. Capitalistic pigs.

If you think communism/socialism is better, please stop reading this. And take Nehruvian socialism or Marxist(how many factions one doesn’t know) communism to the streets. First, give this device to public library so that everyone can enjoy. There are so many people with no access.

Rude wind-up

There is no point crying today after being a parasite for many years, banking on someone else’ skills. This is a good wake up call to know that. If you are out with no job, it is because you didn’t improve your skills and didn’t keep yourselves updated. And not because of someone’s capitalistic endeavours. If are looking for someone to blame, here is the clue: it is *you* (Is the *you* text blinking?)

Quick tip: There is no point in filing RTIs, online petitioning, finding/funding a facebook organization or whatsapp group to fight, or doing something as comical as wearing black gag or a badge in your shirt to show solidarity.

Full Disclosure

The title is misleading. And yes, I have been affected by such parasites before. We are a great bunch of people running the show in my current job, no one in my organisation will grow up to be one.

