The abundant world of Alternative Milks

Rachel Zorn Kindermann
9 min readNov 7, 2023

Walking down the dairy aisle of the supermarket can sometimes feel… well, confusing. What was once an easy stroll to get your whole milk, yogurt, and butter has now become a sea of alternative dairy products. This is good news, mind you. To the dairy-intolerant or dairy-averse, these constant waves of fresh dairy alternatives create a wealth of options where once there were none, or very few. But speaking as a dairy-alternative lover myself, even I get confused with the options, most especially when it comes to alternative milks. Which one, of the nine different varieties in my supermarket, is best?

The answer undoubtedly lies in what matters most to you in milk, which varies from person to person: its nutritional value, flavor, creaminess, etc. Not all alternatives are created equal in this regard, and that only makes the situation all the more confusing.

So whether you’re well-versed in the alternative milk world already, or just want a succinct, but helpful display of what each of these alternatives offers, read on!

Soy milk

Soy milk is the oldest of milk alternatives, with roots dating back to the fifth century. Originally from…

