Coding Bootcamp Week 2: Node.js, NPM, Test Driven Development, Pair Programming & Closure

JavaScript Fundamentals

Reem Dalvi
2 min readJan 22, 2023

This week we were dived into the realm of unit testing utilising Jest and have been consistently using it in our daily development processes.

We started with pair programming and learnt the importance of it by collaborating in pairs, which proved to be the most challenging aspect of the week.

Test Driven Development Cycle: Red -> Green -> Refactor. Fireship gotchu.


Value vs Reference and Scope.

Pure functions.

We referenced Lodash documentation to implement TDD on our own versions of the functions. Also utilised Jest Mock Functions in my code.

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Emotional Check-In ☢️

This week, I had the opportunity to collaborate with two different people on my course, which was good in terms of socialising, but resulted in less productive work.

On the positive side, I have noticed a marked improvement in my ability to communicate code.

I must admit that my focus has been solely on coding, leaving little room for other pursuits, but I am not complaining, getting the work done is top priority.

coder in the dark
// my lyf rn

Leap through time



Reem Dalvi

I like finding parallels between biological and computer science