I am but nailed on the wall

Rhea Agrawal
2 min readNov 4, 2022



It gets boring sometimes, doing absolutely nothing, looking pretty, perhaps. But, it is always a blast when Diana comes in, with all her different looks.

With her raven black hair, and long black and sharp as kitten nails, strutting into the studio like she owns the place, technically she does, it belongs to her sister. She wears garments diverse, of grey and white and navy and purple, but those colours are always overwhelmed by an abundance of black. The black is so overpowering in her outfits that you can bearly see the other colors, specks of them remain.

She puts makeup on her face that brings out her ghost-pale skin, severe cheekbones, thick eyebrows, long lashes, and rosy lips. She does wear extremely red lipstick and looks like blood is smothered on her skin. I think she likes scaring children with this look of hers. It is quite terrifying but it grows on you. It is quite Diana.

When you look at her creations, you don't believe it was made by a female Dracula. Her creations are a marvel, I mean, look at me. She paints with kins of white and saturated rainbows. Her dark and severe attitude blinded her with her cheerful and happy creations. She hangs them on a wall and lets them see the world. They see her stick out like a sore thumb. Diana likes that spotlight on her.

I think I have seen her once, in something not black, at her sister’s wedding, she wore a beautiful white. She came to the studio and wept for hours. I tried to escape the world of oil-based colours and failed but my intentions were there. I figured that they were happy tears.

She was a strange human. She is a strange human with a strange style. She hangs herself in a shop of black and raven while selling things all bright and lively. It is death that springs from life. I think she is sad her sister died.

Author’s note: I wrote this piece wanting to exhibit the personal style of individuals but I was confused about what type of personal style I was going to use for this piece and decided on both — the way you personally show yourself, you being the canvas, and the way you project your thoughts, your art no matter what the medium is. Enjoy :) — Rhea.



Rhea Agrawal

Minor | she/her | trying to live my few teenage years to the fullest | bookworm and Netflix addict | writing makes me happy | https://rheaagr.substack.com/