How Well Does ChatGPT Know Tableau?

Ross Helenius
8 min readJan 7, 2023

In case your rock is super comfortable, and you haven’t heard of ChatGPT, it is an AI chat bot that can respond amazingly well to human questions. It has been all over the internet recently with cases of folks testing the limits, predicting who it will put out of jobs and marveling at its ability to come up with complex answers. Well just how well versed is ChatGPT when it comes to Tableau? I decided to run it through a various slate of questions that I would expect people who have been working with Tableau to know to see just how well ChatGPT can do.

What additional value would we be looking to get out of ChatGPT? Well, the biggest driver would be providing additional context or lowering the time needed to find the information you are looking for. Much of anyone’s time who is trying to figure out something new is spent on searching for quality sources of information that can help the person understand the subject better. If ChatGPT can make consumption easier and more readily understandable that is a big win. The user must also be able to trust the information coming back from ChatGPT, especially if the current context is low, otherwise we can get a false sense of confidence in something that may seem right on the surface but is actually not what the user needs.

First let’s start off with some basics. I will be pasting my questions and the ChatGPT answers…



Ross Helenius

I am a data and analytics enthusiast, who uses data in all aspects of my life both professional and personal.