Rhenium Staking Guide 101

An easy to follow staking “how-to” by team member DoubleO

4 min readMay 15, 2018

Step 1:

To stake efficiently, we will require a hidden menu function to be visible in our wallet GUI. This function can be enabled by going to Rhenium Core > Preferences > Wallet Tab and clicking the checkbox next to “Enable Coin Control Features” as shown below.

Step 2:

Now that the coin control feature is enabled, we can press OK and head back to the main wallet GUI. Click on the “Send” tab at the top and you will now see a new section named “Coin Control Features”

Click on the button “Inputs”and this will take us to the “Coin Selection” window.

Step 3:

The Coin Selection window as shown below, is the control centre for your coins and is how you manage and organise your coins and inputs. We will explain later on what various things mean but for now, we want to select multiple inputs (rows) to combine coins together, so we have a heavier weight which means faster staking.

Step 4:

Once you have selected the inputs you wish to combine, you will see that the top right hand corner where it say “After Fee” changes value to show the total of your selected inputs. If you are happy with this value you can now press OK and head over to the “Receive” tab.

Step 5:

The Receive tab is where you can generate new addresses and also a way for you to organize your future inputs. To generate a new address we can click on the “Request Payment” tab, however before you click you can create a label for your address which will be linked and is helpful in organizing inputs when you have many. This way you can also track which rewards came from which input also. Note: You cannot add a label to an address once it has been created.

Step 6:

For this last step, go to the “Send” tab and paste in your newly created address into the “Pay To:” field. If you have attached a label, this will show up automatically when you paste the address. Now check the “After Fee” field and make sure the amount is correct. You can amend to any amount below this, for example 500 and the change will also be sent to a new input visible in coin control. You can repeat this multiple times to create organised inputs with your choice of value.


Q. How do I know if my wallet is staking?

A. On the bottom right corner a green icon will show if staking is active.

Q. How many coins do I need in each input to get a stake per day?

A. This will vary on the network weight (How many coins are currently being staked on the entire Rhenium network) but as of May 2018, 1000 Coins per input is recommended to get at least 1 stake per day.

Q. My staking is not active, how do I fix it?

A. Usually if your staking is not active in your wallet it can mean either, your coins are not yet mature (101 Confirmations required) or you do not have an encrypted wallet. You can fix this by enabling encrypt wallet under settings in the GUI wallet then going to the debug console and typing: walletpassphrase “yourpasswordhere” 999999999 true you will also need to write the same command on your vps console also, normally ./Rhenium-cli walletpassphrase “yourpasswordhere” 999999999 true

Q. How much of a reward do I get for staking my coins?

A. Well now, this depends on what block Rhenium is currently at. Currently in May 18 we are at block 31,600 which means the current reward is 29.99 Rhenium but this will reduce over time. The reward structure is available on our discord or in our whitepaper.

Follow me on twitter for more: TheDoubleO




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