Beyond Patriarchy and mortality: unleashing the Hadfem Manifesto

Rhiannon Æ.N
4 min readMay 11, 2023


In the depths of the feminist movement, a new ideology emerges, pushing the boundaries of liberation beyond societal constraints. Hadfem, short for "hadal zone feminism," dives into uncharted waters, advocating for a supremely extreme form of neoradical feminism that incorporates radical transhumanism, accelerationism and feminarchist ideas.

By exploring the concept of Hadfem, we confront the limitations imposed on women by nature itself and propose audacious solutions to achieve true liberation from gender. This article delves into the depths of Hadfem, challenging the status quo of not just society but darwinian life. We do this by questioning the thermodynamics of reproduction.

The Deep Dive:
Hadfem envisions a feminist movement that reaches beyond only dismantling of the patriarchy. In stead, it sees patriarchy as the fiercest and deadliest head of the hydra of bionatalist hegemony (more on this later). It acknowledges that true liberation for women cannot be achieved unless we confront the inherent biases of nature. The thermodynamics of reproduction, with its burdens and imbalances, perpetuate inequalities that have plagued women for centuries. Hadfem argues that defeating the patriarchy alone is insufficient if we neglect the larger battle against the natural constraints that disfavor women. The bionatalist hegemony is the body of the hydra: it can best be envisioned as the compound interest the female sex class has paid to prop up a parasitic species (humanity).

Dominion Over Nature:
Hadfem embraces a radical philosophy of complete dominion over nature. It contends that humans, particularly women, have the right to reshape both their bodies and the natural world to suit their needs and desires. By exercising control over reproduction, genetic engineering, and life extension technologies, Hadfem advocates for liberating women from the biological limitations imposed upon them. This audacious vision challenges traditional notions of what it means to be human and pushes the boundaries of human potential.

The Destruction of the Family Unit:
Hadfem dares to question the foundation of the family unit, challenging its relevance in an evolving society. Hadfem advocates for reimagining family structures to ensure equitable distribution of responsibilities, costs and opportunities. By dismantling traditional gender roles and embracing alternative partnership not rooted in reproductive goals, Hadfem seeks to free women from the confines of domesticity, despair and death.

Sterilization and the Thermodynamics of Reproduction:
Hadfem's unapologetic stance on sterilization aims to subvert the biological determinism that perpetuates gender inequalities. It argues that by liberating women from the reproductive burden, they can truly achieve autonomy and independence. By embracing sterilization as a choice rather than a forced measure, Hadfem empowers women to take control of their bodies and futures. It seeks to shift the balance of power away from the thermodynamics of reproduction, which biologically disfavors women.

Engineering Immortality:
Hadfem boldly advocates for transcending mortality through advanced technologies, questioning the limitations imposed by aging and death. By pursuing radical life extension, it aims to ensure that women have equal opportunities across the expanse of time. Hadfem sees immortality not as a personal pursuit but as a means to secure justice and equality for all. It challenges the traditional narratives surrounding femininity, aging, and the fleeting nature of human existence. We seek to create a new world where feminists are forevermore safe from the cycle of death, disease and domination.

Hadfem, an audacious ideology emerging from the depths of feminist thought, pushes the boundaries of liberation and equality. By recognizing the limitations imposed on women by nature itself, Hadfem challenges society to transcend the traditional goals of the feminist movement. It urges us to question the thermodynamics of reproduction and to explore radical transhumanist solutions that enable women to achieve true autonomy and equality. While the ideas of Hadfem may be provocative and controversial, they serve as a thought-provoking catalyst for reimagining the future of feminism and our species as an infinite sisterhood destined to tear down the very essence of life and reach the very end of creation.



Rhiannon Æ.N

Radical transhumanist, pharma entrepreneur, neoradical feminist. Immortalist first, then all else follows.