Camera Gear Does Not Matter

Rohan Kumar
2 min readJun 14, 2017


Mango Street recently made an amazing video that a lot of people have been trying to convey:

On the Christmas of 2012, my parents gifted my sister and I a brand new ~ Canon EOS Rebel T3i (on Black-Friday sale it was probably around $400~500). I begged for a camera and my sister, who is 9 years older than me, said that we would use it a lot. I ended up never picking it up for things i enjoyed and always abhorred my mother’s request to ‘take photos at the family party’…

High school came around and then I actually started playing more with fine art and digital mediums. Thats when I bought my first new lens — the Nifty Fifty. I have the older model mine was around $80.

The more I grew to love taking photos and capturing moments into pixel-proportions, I spent hours and I mean hours learning and watching from professionals. I decided to invest into another lens- by this time I was making some small pocket change from taking photos.

I decided to buy the 24mm pancake lens f/2.8 for about $120. This lens has grown on me so much the past couple years I’ve owned it.

You’d be surprised to know that this is the only gear I still have today after like 2 years of taking photos. But they get the job done and they preform reasonably well for me now.

No need for $3500 Camera with 2 $1000 dollar lenses. There is definitely a time and place for equipment like that — like weddings or sports- but regular portraiture or just having fun creating art you just need to develop skill.

24mm f/2.8 + canon t3i

My gear practically costs less than 800 dollars, and I’ve definitely made more than 800 dollars from using my gear.

