A Rhodesian passport as camouflage?


What you need to know about this topic.

Frequently, we are being asked if it is possible to buy a Rhodesian passports for camouflage purposes. Of course, the Rhodesian government feels honored by this kind of trust in the values of our people. However, as the Rhodesian government, we do not sell anything. But our citizenship law (§4) allows naturalization with fast processing under certain conditions which opens a legal door to Rhodesian citizenship with diplomatic protection and a Rhodesian Passport.

Since we are a government and not a business of course free of charge.

Should you wish to become Rhodesian without being of Rhodesian descent, please contact our diplomatic service.

Do not buy false documents, this will only cause trouble. The Rhodesian nation welcomes you legally correct and with no financial interests.





Government of Rhodesia

The Government of Rhodesia in exile, based on the Decleration of Amsterdam (1980)