I Apologize for this Poem

An Apology Poem Challenge

Michael Rhodes
2 min readFeb 13, 2023
Created in Canva by Author

I received the “I Apologize for this Poem” Challenge from John Hansen and said that I would give it a go. I am terrible at challenges but will submit my feeble attempt.

Here is a link to John’s input on this challenge. He did an amazing job.

The apology poem was created by William Carlos Williams in his poem “This Is Just to Say.” It is a poem to apologize for something that the speaker has done or said.

To read this poem check out Sheri Jacobs’ article ‘Calling All Poets and Teachers.’

“There’s no wrong way to write an apology poem, as there are no set rules. When William Carlos Williams wrote “This Is Just to Say,” no one had ever created a poem quite like this before.” John Hansen

So with a spiral-bound notebook and pen in hand, I attempted to write my own version of the Apology Poem.

Draft One

Sounded more like a real apology and lacked the “backhanded” quality. Which I soon discovered was the real challenge of this challenge, making it backhanded. Draft one crumbled up and hit the trash can.

Draft Two

Too long, not sincere enough, complicated message won’t fit three stanzas. Crumbled up and missed the trash can this time.



Michael Rhodes

Retired - Top writer in Sustainability, Travel & Food. Married 41 years, we have a Corgi dog. Love, camping, baseball, Bonsai, travel, & food.