My First Medium Article-My Journey To Becoming My Best Self!


Hello, I am so excited to tell you about my journey to self discovery to becoming my best self. Two years ago I decided that enough was enough and it was time to have the courage to face all my demons and to find my true inner happy.

During that time I have been ill, dealt with anxiety, was a proud workaholic not alcoholic, and a past baggage that kept creeping up in my relationships.

During that time, I have confronted many things that affected my mental health.

But today is a good day, because now I decided to share my story with all of you, the good, the bad, and the unanswered. So I figured together we can all be on a journey to our best selves.

I also decided that I wanted to create a safe space to tell my story, share my thoughts, and my experiences, and ask you all some life questions and hear your wisdom on some life topics.

Hi, I’m Rhonda — Who Am I?

That’s not an easy question. I want to think of myself as a strong black woman, who made it through a lot of shiz, lol. I was born and raised with my mom and brother in Brooklyn, New York.

Yes, Brooklyn is in the house!

I’m also an accomplished Associate Real Estate Broker in New York since 2006, an online entrepreneur since 2018, and a writer……. hey!

I enjoy being a person with good intentions and exuding great energy because happiness can be short-lived. I’m an introvert and love being alone, but then I can be an extrovert in business and with the special people in my life.

There are times when I suffer from anxiety, childhood triggers, past relationship baggage, shall I go on, lol.

With all that drama out of the way, other than work I enjoy spending time with family and friends, I love nature, road trips, I’m a pretty good cook so I’m told and I love to grub at a great restaurant.

That’s me in a nutshell, but I have more life to go!

In case you’re wondering that’s me in the photo below, hey!

What Is My Blog About?

I want to share with you my journey to becoming my best self. I’m giving you a peek into my life, my thoughts, my struggles, and how I am dealing with all the things to keep going.

Usually, I’m a private person, but two years ago, I decided to dig deep and deal with my traumas and dramas so I could walk in my purpose.

I felt this was a time for me to share how I got through all the STUFF and help all the ladies in the process.

Here are some areas of interest I want to focus on and dig into:

  • Self Improvement
  • Love/Relationships/Spirituality
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Finances/Making Money
  • Cooking & Food Spots
  • And a sprinkle of fun

So if you want to be part of a community of lovely ladies looking for support to deal with the hard parts of life and share the good parts as well, then come along with me on this journey called life.

Let’s become our best selves together!

Join A Sisterhood

It would just make me all gooey inside if you join my blog. Yes, I said, gooey.

I plan to post 2-3 times a week because I have so much to talk about, lol.

Also leave a comment about this post, your journey, or anything so we can get to know each other a little more.

Go ahead and follow me on this journey, the next blogs are going to be a doozies. New articles each week! Bye Loves!

**Also Check Out My Other Blog: RhondaTalksRealEstate



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