Keto Diet and Hashimoto’s

Rhonda Kottke Hug
4 min readOct 9, 2020


As someone who has suffered from Hashimoto’s, and other autoimmune diseases, this is a topic that is quite personal. In this article we’ll begin by discussing a little about what the Keto Diet is. Then we’ll go on to explore how it can impact someone with Hashimoto’s as well as looking at one particular variation. We’ll look at some of the findings from research. And finally, you’ll have a chance to learn about the exact program that has helped me, and others like me.

What is the Keto Diet?

The Keto Diet is a dietary plan that is especially low in carbs and high in fat (4). This is the basis of the entire diet. But it is slightly more complex than this. We won’t go into too many of the scientific details in this article, though you can read more about it in another article here.

The increase in fat intake helps to make up for the energy shortfall. Subsequently, ketones are delivered as a fuel source, generally as glucose from sugars. You can also read more about ketones I that same article here.

Some people will also experience what has been known as the “Keto Flu”. I personally have not experienced any symptoms associated with it.

How the Keto Diet can Impact Hashimoto’s:

The keto diet is often recommended by medical experts and has been known to provide some relief for patients with certain health issues. It has also been credited in helping individuals with weight loss and, with some modification, can be an effective way to combat weight gain for those with Hashimoto’s and other autoimmune diseases.

How does the Keto plan work for those with Hashimoto’s and other thyroid related maladies? It works because it causes significant changes in your digestion, which impacts your thyroid.

Individuals with Hashimoto’s and an underactive thyroid regularly experience an adjustment in thyroid capacity while on the ketogenic diet.

Some Hashimoto’s patients may make an attempt at a standard keto diet. Since everyone is different, it’s always best to consult your physician to determine what might be the best course of action to take; especially if they have any certain food sensitivities which is often common with autoimmune disorders. This topic is particularly personal to me as I’ve had tremendous success with not only losing weight on the Keto diet as a Hashimoto’s sufferer, but also almost immediately saw a decrease in hot/cold sweats and the debilitating

More common, those with Hashimoto’s will try a customized or adjusted Keto diet; as I did. One common adjustment is to limit to 50g of carbs every day and studies have shown at this level of carb consumption, there has been no evidence of unfavorable impacts on thyroid hormone creation. For me, personally, I limited my carb intake closer to 20g per day and would tend to lean towards the “good carbs” found mostly in vegetables. Again, you may consult your physician and also need to give some things a try and tweak others along the way.

An absolute MUST and the most significant dietary change to make when you have Hashimoto’s is to eliminate ALL gluten. I found gluten in particular to be the culprit and cause of most of my hot/cold sweats and severe. This dietary change alone not only helped me to better manage my weight, but also gave me so much physical relief!

Keto Diet Modification for Hashimoto’s Patients:

Below is a recommended “overall” Keto Diet modification for someone with Hashimoto’s, and has appeared to work best in MOST Hashimoto’s patients:

· 50%-60% daily diet from proteins (note, protein is essential for a properly functioning thyroid and is one thing your doctor will most likely tell you to get a lot of is you have Hashimoto’s).

· 20%-30% should come from fats

· 12%-15% coming from carbs

Eliminate the following:

· Gluten

· Dairy

· Soy

· Eggs

· Legumes

· Certain fruits — My doctor also recommended not eating any fruit after 5 pm. Again, do consult with your doctor particularly if you also diabetic

· Bread and pastas

· Specific vegetables such as: cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale and broccoli)

· Rice — though I personally found it ok to have a little rice here and there. A great substitute is what is called “miracle rice” or Shirataki Noodles which you can find at most larger grocery stores.

Recommended to include:

· Lean red meat

· Chicken and other poultries

· Fish

Scientific Research:

Below is some research that was done based on the above regimen in Hashimoto’s patients. It is credited to specific sources also below:

Research found that after three weeks of this protocol, anti-TPO, anti-TG, and anti-microsomal antibodies were found to be significantly reduced. It was also noted that there was a reduction in BMI and body fat composition and percentage (source one).

Regarding thyroid health, the aim of the Keto Diet is to not only reduce weight, but to also reduce inflammation in the body and, in particular, the thyroid gland (source one).

While I can attest to the benefits of a gluten-free diet, it was also scientifically discovered that eliminating gluten was beneficial for Hashimoto’s patients; regardless of them having celiac disease or not (source two).

In Conclusion:

The Keto Diet has also been praised as one of the best for Women Over 40. To learn more about my journey and to take advantage of the method that has worked the best for me, a Hashimoto’s sufferer and Keto success story, check out The Keto System for Women Over 40.

You may also visit our website for more information on keto and keto recipes here and check out some of the keto products available here.

