Erin Bromage, Ph.D. Biology, Public Photo from

Bromage Fromage

Mendaciology from Perfect Coronavirus Cheese

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
3 min readMay 12, 2020


The fact is that cheese is just milk preserved with salt.

The coronavirus is just an unconscious, marginally alive, parasite exponentially replicating among humans.

Erin Bromage decided to preserve some of the mothers milk of his science in the salt of plain English to give us a tasty Science Fromage. Here is his article in full.

The study of lies, Mendaciology, says it is easy to find provable lies in Digital Media if you look at convincing truth and google for its opposite on the Internet.

This is the basis for feeding our Internet Court of Lies. Good cheese is always good.

Our Bromage Fromage is a wealth of evidenciary proof for innumerable fiat lies about the SARS-2 coronavirus in digital…



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.