Internet Court of Lies Counters Hate that Mobilizes to Violence

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
4 min readSep 10, 2019


Lady Justice on LA Courthouse

Hate and fiat lies are a vicious cycle.

Fiat lies are one of two types of lie. Fiat lies are the lies that poison dialogue.

Conversational or folk lies are the ones we talk about in our normal discussions of lies, and these are the ones that rarely do damage.

Among folk lies are folk tales where the lying is socially excused, and indeed, often enjoyed for their story value. Other folk lies include lies by leaders to bolster public confidence, or lies by a salesman who is just trying to sell his wares. We tell folk lies all the time with no real harm done.

Fiat lies, in stark contrast, can kill us all.

The job of the Internet Court of Lies is to take fiat lies and convert them to folk lies, that everybody understands.

Modern digital media has tremendously amplified the opportunities for fiat lying where human dialogue that reveals the lies is often impractical. A fiat lie may be told by someone who does not even know it is a lie because he is just repeating it. A fiat lie may be an anonymous lie where the liar hides from the dialogue that can expose the intention and deceit.

When dialogue is poisoned, we all recognize that hate talk is given a clear avenue to generate more fiat lies…



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.