The North Star, Polaris, By Ashley Dace, CC BY-SA 2.0,

The Internet Court of Lies

Alpha Sandbox Edition

Robert Thibadeau
Published in
6 min readJun 2, 2020


As of June 2020, a new kind of guide star is in the Internet sky at supported by a magazine at

This star brings the light of truth to the lies, misinformation, and disinformation infesting our global Internet.

This is a new star not seen on the Internet before now.

But the bricks and mortar version of this guide star has proven effective for over four hundred years bringing the light of truth to pernicious lies, and …

What is this “ new guide star”?

It is a court of justice based on publicly convincing evidence of a pernicious lie.

What makes it new and not seen before?

You can quickly accuse a lie in the media, get an impartial judge and jury to put a verdict on your claims, and one-click publish the Court’s judgement to your lie on Twitter, Facebook, Mail, Medium, your blog site, and any other digital media.

This court tries lies, not people.

Lies are assertions in the media, social media, or the Internet that are not the truth, the whole truth, or nothing but the truth.

Since we are not trying people, there are no defendants.

The lies, in the contexts they are encountered, are the defendants.

The factual evidence for the lie must be documented from the Internet.

This verdict must be proven by reasonable evidence of the actual truth behind the accused lie.

The verdict asserts: What is not true, what is the whole truth, and/or why the lie in context was attempted to be proven as true with other lies. It also asserts the deceit behind the lie, the motivation behind the deceit, whether this lie is socially unacceptable, and a proposed label that might make it more socially acceptable. With each asserted accusation, the verdict contains a judged likelihood, or confidence, (0–100%) in the accusation based on evidence and human considered judgement about the suspect lie in its context.

The method of The Internet Court of Lies yields this comprehensive judgement on all lies brought to the court.

What can I do in the Court?

Our court cases require Plaintiffs to identify and accuse a lie and to provide a proposed verdict to take to a court case.
The Sandbox Edition of the Internet Court of Lies

An independently chosen Judge accepts a case for court, sets court dates, presides over the court case, and decides the case verdict within a week or two.

There are no witnesses. Every juror is a witness. Every juror may question the plaintiff’s verdict and express his own verdict. If a juror leaves a verdict assertion blank, it is assumed he agrees with that plaintiff verdict assertion.

Judges and Jurors are chosen at random among registered users of the court in good standing.

In the prosecuted plaintiff cases, the Plaintiffs, Judges, and Jurors are all anonymous to each other and in the settled court records. All the verdicts submitted in the case, from Plaintiff, Jurors, and Judge are in the settled record. Disagreements are part of the public record.

This is a private, not a sovereign, court. The only law we require is freedom of speech about what can be factually substantiated on the Internet. The court does not prosecute violations of sovereign laws.

How much work do I have to do?

A trial should only take an hour or two of your time over a period of a week or two.

Here is an easy and fast way you, as a Plaintiff, can find lies you can prove to the court are pernicious lies.

Like courts everywhere, individual court cases are defeasible and will never be perfect, but many cases can be tried, and history, and more recently mendaciology, the science of lies, proves truth will find its best expression.

What do I get out of the court?

If you want to bring the objective truth to some lies, as others who you cannot control may see it, you should should join to file your accusations and proposed verdicts.

You can learn a lot by doing. If you want to contribute and learn how to bring truth to lies on the Internet and other digital media, you should join to offer your services as judges and jurors.

Every person participates anonymously. You can bring rational, rated, objective, truth to power.

You can do this fast and efficiently with just a little bit of practice. Humans are far more similar to each other in how they evaluate truth than they are different. We do not try people, we try lies.

The Sandbox Edition is Free to individual human minds.

It is at Effective June 2020.

You only have to be one human mind speaking for yourself, sworn to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in whatever statements you bring to the court.

It is important that your mind can have one voice with only one email address. Remember, your anonymity is assured in bringing and judging a case in the court.

You must be 16+ years old, currently fluent and literate in English, and able and ready to come to our Internet Court of Lies web site by email notification.

Who Pays for This?

No advertising, ever.

The court case content is owned by the court. But any participant in a case may publish anything he wants about that case. Every registered user in good standing has access to all the data about every case but may publish only about cases in which he or she participates. Other uses of the court case data are subject to licensed access.

Once lit up nicely, the court’s Enterprise Edition will pay practiced, subscribed, participants. The pay is designed to potentially provide a living among those who want to make it a living. This includes participating in court cases as parts of class actions that explore lies on topics of interest to paying patrons.

The Internet Court of Lies and its abbreviation ICoL are trademarks of its sole licensor Bright Plaza, Inc. (, and is U.S. and International Patent Pending 2020.

The automated Sandbox edition and future automated editions provide for full automated operations with public participants as is the case with Wikipedia.

However, ICoL provides “primary research” upon which Wikipedia articles may be informed, but would not qualify as content for Wikipedia. Major parts of the ICoL software are open source in order to maintain transparency in its device operations.

Is the Sandbox Edition Ready for Prime Time?

This star just formed. It is an alpha, or pre-alpha edition, and it will get better and easier to use.

Furthermore, expect it to take until July or August 2020 for the cases to have enough registered users as we light up the star together. The time is now to prepare some cases and show your support by signing up.

This star was born in the truth stuff of Wikipedia, the open source Media Wiki web system that runs Wikipedia. With this base our code is highly mature, works like Wikipedia’s code works, and will scale to the global Internet, many other languages, and the vast number of lies that need to be put to reason.

You can join us for free. Please Sign Up today to light up this new guide star at You may share this free to read link with others that may want to sign up and brighten the light of this star. Even people you might not like.

We are all humans in this court. Everyone is invited as a human participant with one email identity.



Robert Thibadeau

Carnegie Mellon University since 1979 — Cognitive Science, AI, Machine Learning, one of the founding Directors of the Robotics Institute.