Overpopulation in India! Are we taking steps to stop it?

Rohit Mehta
3 min readDec 1, 2019


India is home to about 1.2 Billion people. How is this number not a problem for our people and also for the policy makers of our country? Today we are facing so much difficulties with rising poverty and increasing prices. Also with the advancement in technology, India is not able to cope up which results in loss of jobs to big tech giants who have introduced Artificial Intelligence and Automation Services. Overpopulation is the main reason behind all the failures of improving infrastructure and lack of services.

We are not only growing at a faster rate but also closing all the gates to living a healthy lifestyle. Food production has decreased and demand for it has increased. More population results in more and more pollution and more usage of resources. Petroleum, Coal, Oil are on a verge of near end. All the reserves are declining at a faster rate than it was about 100 years ago. Also why aren’t we taking steps by ourselves than for waiting the government to reform any kind of policy. We ourselves are the culprit for overpopulation.

People are blindly following religious myths and are not aware of rising problems in current world. Take for an example where Islamic Prophet said “Marry women who are loving and very prolific, for I shall outnumber the nations by you on the Day of Resurrection.” There is no limit in Islamic legislation about the number of children that one is allowed to have, one is not forbidden to have a maximum number [and he should not limit himself to a specific number]. Shouldn’t these things change? Also the story does not end here a BJP MLA from Uttar Pradesh, Surendra Singh said in an interview that “Hindus should have at least five children. Two for the man, two for the woman and one surplus. Giving birth to a child is ‘prasad’ (gift) from God. India can become strong, when Hindus are strong. When Hindu is weak, India is weak…,” So wow here are our ruling party leaders saying such things which motivates overpopulation. Such things not only contribute to unhealthy situations in India but also portrays how India is being leaded.

Overpopulation is the root cause for most of the problems faced in India including ground water depletion, rising pollution, scarcity of resources and leading to imbalance in the society. Also it increases crime rates as a result that population of men is rising as compared to women motivating the men dominating society.

In order to stop such things we have to take care as the future lays in our hands only. First of all, there should be a restriction of maximum two children per family. If there are more than two children then government should charge extra tax in order to control the population. Secondly, if anyone plans to have more than two children the he/she should adopt children in order to reduce the orphans and in this way one can fulfill his/her wish to have more than two children and there won’t be an increase in population. In this way we can help control population from our side. We need to take steps make people aware and that’s how we can start, no matter how small it is.



Rohit Mehta

Words are more powerful than anything else in this world, you can break someone and you can inspire someone, the choice is yours.