What Is In Laravel 9 New Features | Learn Laravel Framework

Riajur Rahman
8 min readJul 4, 2023


Laravel is a widely used open-source PHP web framework known for its elegant syntax, expressive features, and robust architecture. It provides developers with a comprehensive set of tools and functionalities to build modern and scalable web applications. Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture, which encourages code organization and the separation of concerns, is used by Laravel.

The framework offers a rich ecosystem of libraries, packages, and extensions that simplify common tasks such as routing, database management, authentication, and caching. It also incorporates features like an artisan command-line interface (CLI) for automating repetitive tasks, a powerful ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Eloquent for database interactions, and a templating engine called Blade for creating dynamic views.

Laravel emphasizes convention over configuration, allowing developers to focus on writing clean and maintainable code rather than spending excessive time on setup and configuration. It promotes best practices and provides clear documentation, making it accessible for developers of all skill levels.

Some of the notable features of Laravel include a robust routing system, powerful database abstraction with support for multiple database systems, built-in authentication, and authorization mechanisms, caching mechanisms for performance optimization, and a modular structure that encourages code reusability.

With its expressive syntax, extensive feature set, and vibrant community, Laravel has gained popularity among developers for its ability to streamline the development process and deliver high-quality applications efficiently.

Read the 10 Reasons Why Laravel Is the Best PHP Framework

About Laravel 9, In a shortly

Laravel 9 is the latest version of the Laravel framework, introducing a range of new features and improvements to enhance the development experience. It brings enhancements to popular packages like Jetstream, Sail, and Horizon in the modern PHP platform. Additionally, it introduces native support for Inertia.js, a framework for building single-page applications. Laravel 9 also includes improvements to Blade components, routing features, validation, and Laravel Telescope, the debugging tool. Overall, Laravel 9 empowers developers to build robust, scalable, and efficient web applications with increased productivity and flexibility.

With the release of Laravel 9, developers are eagerly anticipating the latest features and improvements that will enhance their productivity and streamline their development workflow. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the exciting new features introduced in Laravel 9 and explore how they can empower developers to build robust, scalable, and efficient web applications.

Laravel 9 New Features — 8 New Things You Should Learn

As the popular technology in the PHP framework, laravel is the best choice. In the last year, imensosoftware analysis has found more than 100,173 new websites are using Laravel scripts. And, over 761,321 live websites currently using Laravel. But continuously it’s updating. See the recent update that added in laravel 9 new features:

1. Jetstream Improvements:

Laravel Jetstream, a beautifully designed scaffolding library, received significant enhancements in Laravel 9. Jetstream now offers improved customization options, allowing developers to tailor their application’s UI according to their specific needs. The latest version also introduces additional starter kits, enabling developers to choose the ideal starting point for their projects, whether it be Livewire or Inertia.

  • Laravel Jetstream in Laravel 9 has undergone significant enhancements.
  • Improved customization options allow developers to customize the UI of their applications according to their specific requirements.
  • Additional starter kits are introduced, providing developers with more options to choose from, such as Livewire or Inertia, for their project’s starting point.
  • These improvements in Jetstream empower developers to create applications with personalized UI and a solid foundation for their chosen technology stack.

2. Inertia.js Integration:

Laravel 9 brings native support for Inertia.js, a powerful framework for building single-page applications (SPAs). Inertia.js eliminates the need for writing boilerplate code for API endpoints, resulting in a more seamless development experience. By integrating Inertia.js into Laravel, developers can effortlessly build dynamic, reactive applications while maintaining the benefits of server-rendered views.

  • Laravel 9 introduces native support for Inertia.js, a powerful framework tailored for developing single-page applications (SPAs).
  • Inertia.js eliminates the need for writing repetitive boilerplate code for API endpoints, leading to a more efficient and streamlined development process.
  • The integration of Inertia.js into Laravel allows developers to build dynamic and reactive applications with ease.
  • By leveraging Inertia.js, developers can take advantage of server-rendered views while still enjoying the benefits of building SPAs, resulting in improved performance and user experience.
  • This integration simplifies the development workflow, enabling developers to focus more on building robust functionality and less on handling the intricacies of API endpoints.

3. Improved Laravel Sail:

Laravel Sail, the lightweight Docker-based development environment, has undergone significant improvements in Laravel 9 new features. It now supports more databases out of the box, including PostgreSQL and SQL Server. Additionally, Sail provides an enhanced experience for developers working on Windows machines, making it easier to set up and run Laravel applications in a Docker environment.

  • Laravel Sail, the Docker-based development environment, has received notable improvements in Laravel 9.
  • Sail now offers expanded support for databases out of the box, including PostgreSQL and SQL Server, providing developers with more options for their application’s data storage needs.
  • The enhanced support for Windows machines in Laravel Sail streamlines the setup and execution of Laravel applications within a Docker environment.
  • These improvements in Laravel Sail make it more accessible and convenient for developers to leverage Docker for their Laravel projects, regardless of their preferred operating system.
  • With the expanded database support and improved Windows compatibility, developers can benefit from a smoother development experience and seamless deployment of Laravel applications using Laravel Sail.

4. Laravel Horizon Enhancements:

Laravel Horizon, the powerful queue monitoring and management tool, has received notable updates in Laravel 9. The latest version introduces new features like real-time metrics, allowing developers to monitor the performance of their queues more effectively. The revamped user interface enhances usability, making it simpler to configure and manage Horizon across projects.

  • Laravel Horizon, the queue monitoring and management tool, has undergone significant enhancements in Laravel 9.
  • The latest version introduces real-time metrics, enabling developers to monitor the performance of their queues in real-time. This feature provides valuable insights into the queue processing and allows for proactive optimization and troubleshooting.
  • The revamped user interface in Laravel Horizon improves usability, making it easier for developers to configure and manage Horizon across multiple projects. The enhanced interface simplifies the setup process and provides a more intuitive experience for managing queues.
  • These updates in Laravel Horizon empower developers to have better control and visibility over their queues, leading to improved performance and efficient handling of background tasks.
  • With real-time metrics and an improved user interface, Laravel Horizon in Laravel 9 offers enhanced monitoring and management capabilities, making it an indispensable tool for managing queues in Laravel applications.

5. New Blade Components:

Blade, Laravel’s powerful templating engine, has been extended with new components in Laravel 9. These components provide reusable and customizable UI elements, enabling developers to build consistent and visually appealing interfaces effortlessly. The new components include date pickers, modals, dropdowns, and more, empowering developers to create intuitive user experiences with minimal effort.

  • Laravel 9 new features introduces new components to Blade, the powerful templating engine in Laravel.
  • These new Blade components offer developers a wide range of reusable and customizable UI elements to enhance their application’s user interface.
  • By leveraging these components, developers can easily build consistent and visually appealing interfaces without the need for extensive custom coding.
  • The new components include popular UI elements such as date pickers, modals, dropdowns, and more, providing a comprehensive set of building blocks for creating intuitive user experiences.
  • The introduction of these Blade components simplifies the development process and reduces the time and effort required to create visually appealing UI elements, allowing developers to focus more on the core functionality of their applications.

6. Improved Routing Features:

Laravel 9 introduces several improvements to its routing system, making it more flexible and powerful. The new feature called “Action Domain Resolvers” enables developers to define custom domain resolvers for routing, allowing for dynamic resolution based on domain-based routing needs. This enhancement opens up new possibilities for building multi-domain applications with ease.

  • Laravel 9 brings significant improvements to its routing system, providing developers with enhanced flexibility and power.
  • The introduction of “Action Domain Resolvers” is a notable feature in Laravel 9’s routing system.
  • With Action Domain Resolvers, developers can define custom domain resolvers for routing, allowing dynamic resolution based on domain-specific routing requirements.
  • This new feature enables developers to easily build multi-domain applications, where different domains can be associated with specific actions or controllers.
  • Action Domain Resolvers provide a streamlined approach to handle domain-based routing, making it more convenient to route requests to the appropriate actions or controllers based on the domain being accessed.

7. Enhanced Validation:

Validation is a critical aspect of any web application, and Laravel 9 brings improvements to make the validation process even more efficient. The new “Rule Objects” feature allows developers to define custom reusable validation rules easily. This enhancement promotes code reusability, reduces duplication, and simplifies the validation logic within the application.

  • Laravel 9 new features introduces enhancements to the validation process, focusing on improving efficiency and code reusability.
  • The new feature called “Rule Objects” is a significant addition to Laravel’s validation system.
  • With Rule Objects, developers can define custom validation rules as reusable objects, simplifying the validation logic within the application.
  • This enhancement promotes code reusability by allowing developers to create validation rules once and reuse them across different forms or validation scenarios.
  • By utilizing Rule Objects, developers can reduce duplication of validation logic and make the codebase more maintainable and organized.
  • The Rule Objects feature in Laravel 9 streamlines the validation process and offers a more expressive and intuitive way to define custom validation rules.

8. Improved Laravel Telescope:

Laravel Telescope, the elegant debugging and introspection tool, has been upgraded in Laravel 9 new features. The latest version introduces a refined user interface, providing developers with a more intuitive and streamlined debugging experience. The improved performance profiling and query monitoring capabilities enable developers to identify and resolve bottlenecks in their applications more effectively.

  • Laravel Telescope, the debugging and introspection tool, has received notable upgrades in Laravel 9.
  • The latest version introduces a refined user interface, enhancing the overall debugging experience for developers.
  • The improved user interface in Laravel Telescope offers a more intuitive and streamlined interface, making it easier for developers to navigate and analyze application-related data.
  • Laravel Telescope in Laravel 9 provides enhanced performance profiling capabilities, allowing developers to identify and analyze performance bottlenecks in their applications more effectively.
  • With the upgraded query monitoring capabilities, developers can gain insights into the database queries executed by their application, enabling them to optimize query performance and improve overall application efficiency.


Laravel 9 is a major release that brings a host of exciting Laravel 9 new features and improvements to the Laravel framework. From enhancements to existing packages like Jetstream, Sail, and Horizon to the introduction of new components and routing features, Laravel 9 empowers developers to build applications with increased productivity and efficiency.



Riajur Rahman

Riajur Rahman is a dynamic tech entrepreneur known for his innovative ideas and passion for technology. Visit: https://riajur.com