The Landlady (Roald Dahl) Ending

Hajar Riali
2 min readAug 6, 2021


“ am I?” muttered Billy indistinctively. His head hurt really bad; his arms and legs felt so heavy; he was a butterfly trapped in Black Widow’s web. At that moment, he realized black widows come in different colors and shapes. “O, dear! Did you enjoy your nap? You slept like a baby.. watching you that calm was a breath of fresh air.” said the lady with a calm soothing voice and a big creepy smile on her face. Her eyes looked dark, her soul felt gloomy and she had a sinister look! She was a totally different person! “Say hello to your new neighbors on the third floor, young man, I’m pretty sure you’re gonna get along just fine with Mr. Temple and Mr. Mulholland “. Mr. Weaver, still confused, dizzy, and paralyzed, rolled his eyes around. At first glance, the room looked like a museum or an antique store; everything was in order: all stuffed birds and animals put in a circle around the two naked dead boys who were put in the middle as if they are sitting on the floor, each with his legs crossed: with their pale hands, one was covering his eyes, the second was covering his ears, and next to them was Billy’s spot; he knew he was next. “These two boys were too pure for this world: super young, beautiful, and innocent; I spared them the pain of living in this filthy universe of sinners. They belong to a better place, and so do you, dear.” said she while shedding tears; she caressed him with her wrinkled hands like a mother putting her son to sleep for the last time.’’ Son, stop resisting, it’s gonna be painless, and dear, your eternal journey has already begun!”. Billy’s eyes got heavy, his eyelids shut, and he’s seen every moment of his short life in a snapshot: his friends, his mother’s last words, and the moment he stepped foot into this dreadful building. He soon felt peaceful and at that moment, everything ceased to exist but darkness and void; in a trice, he felt something hot splashed on his face, then he felt nothing. Monday morning, everyone rushing to their business, a young boy shouting in the street “Newspapers for sale! Newspapers for sale!”. On the first page there was a title: «Triple homicide and a suicide in ‘BED & Breakfast: Lunatic Landlady suicides after murdering three lodgers and posturing them like Gandi’s Three Wise Monkeys’ sculpture, and in her own blood, a message was written on the wall:’see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’»

