2 min readMar 15, 2023

Turning Garbage into Gold: Red Bull’s Brilliant Marketing Move in London.”

Red Bull is an energy drink that became very popular by using a clever marketing strategy in London. They put thousands of empty Red Bull cans in selected rubbish bins across the city, and also gave free samples to DJs, and left cans outside of nightclubs. This made people think that Red Bull was very popular because they saw so many empty cans, and this made them want to buy it too. This helped Red Bull become the leading energy drink brand in the world with a 43% market share. The marketing strategy used clever tricks like making people believe that Red Bull was the popular choice, which influenced them to buy it. Overall, it was a great example of creative marketing!

Red Bull’s marketing strategy was very clever because it used two important ideas: attention to economics and social proof. Attention economics means that people’s attention is valuable and hard to get, so companies have to use special tricks to get people to notice their product. Social proof is the concept that people tend to look to others’ behavior and opinions to guide their own decisions and actions when people follow what they see others doing, like when they see lots of people drinking Red Bull and thinking it must be good.

Talk about thinking outside the can!