Baki Hanma Crushing Core Myths: Ditch the Sit-Ups, Embrace Better Ab Exercises

Unleashing Your Inner Ogre Through Smarter Training

Psycho-Anime Fitness
3 min readJan 4, 2024

Baki Hanma, the ultimate underground grappler, is known for his superhuman strength and unyielding determination.


His brutal training regimen has sculpted him into a fighting machine, and his core strength is a testament to his dedication. However, even Baki, in his relentless pursuit of power, might be unknowingly sabotaging his core development by relying on an exercise notorious for its inefficiency: the sit-up.

Why Sit-Ups Fall Short for Ogre-Level Training:


While sit-ups have long been a mainstay of core workouts, they come with a host of drawbacks that limit their effectiveness, especially for someone with Baki’s ambitions. Here’s why Baki should ditch the sit-ups and focus on more efficient exercises:

Limited Range of Motion:

Sit-ups only target a small portion of the abdominal muscles, neglecting the obliques and lower abs, crucial for stability and rotational power. Baki, who relies heavily on throws and takedowns, needs a more comprehensive core workout.

Spinal Strain:

Sit-ups can put excessive strain on the lower back, especially when done with poor form. This is a recipe for injury, something Baki can ill afford during his grueling training.

Inefficient Muscle Activation:

Sit-ups primarily target the hip flexors, not the core. This can lead to imbalances and hinder true core development. Baki needs exercises that directly target his abdominal muscles for maximum growth and strength.

Superior Alternatives for Baki’s Core Crushing


So, what exercises should Baki incorporate into his routine to forge an ironclad core worthy of an Ogre? Here are some superior alternatives that will target his entire midsection and unleash his full potential:

Hanging Leg Raises:

This exercise engages the entire core, obliques, and lower abs, with minimal strain on the lower back. Baki can add weight to his ankles for a progressive challenge, just like he adds weights to his pull-ups.


A simple yet incredibly effective exercise, planks hold the entire body in a rigid position, forcing isometric contraction of the core muscles. Baki can start with basic planks and progress to side planks, weighted planks, and even dynamic variations like plank walks.

Ab Wheel Rollouts:

This exercise challenges core stability and control as Baki extends and retracts his body using the ab wheel. He can start on his knees and progress to full rollouts as his core strength improves.

Anti-Rotational Press:

This exercise specifically targets the obliques, crucial for rotational power and preventing injuries. Baki can use a cable machine or medicine ball to perform this exercise, adding weight as his strength increases.

By incorporating these exercises into his routine, Baki can forge a core that is not only strong but also resilient and functional.

Remember, Baki, it’s about quality, not quantity. Focus on proper form, controlled movements, and progressive overload to truly crush your core and reach your full potential as the strongest grappler alive.


So, ditch the sit-ups, Baki, and embrace the path to a stronger, more sculpted core. With the right exercises and relentless determination, you’ll be crushing not just your core but also your opponents with Ogre-like ferocity.

Remember, train smart, train hard, and unleash the beast within!



Psycho-Anime Fitness

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