Data Analysts are like Doctors

Ribisha Junghare
2 min readJul 21, 2022


Yes, you read it right. I am going to explain to you who is a Data Analyst in very layman’s terms.

Photo by Stephen Dawson on Unsplash

When a patient visits a doctor the patient tells them the pain/suffering that he/she has to the doctor. Then based on the patient’s problem the doctor gives the patient proper medical treatment and healthcare.

Now on what basis the doctor gives treatment to the patient?

  1. Based on the problems the patient is suffering
  2. There is data on the patient i.e. Age, Height, Weight, Blood Group/Test, and Reports Data ( whatever test the patient has to undergo).

The same is for Data Analysts.

Big companies/Enterprise Organization/ Business goes to Data Analyst to check the health of their own company.

A company has its data. The data can be of any business activities which are being recorded on paper or any electronic devices. Then Data Analyst explores and analyzes these data by using special software tools i.e. Excel, R, Python, SQL, etc. which deliver actionable insights of data, and Business Intelligence tools like Tableau, Microsoft Power BI, etc. to create meaningful visualizations/dashboards that answer key business questions.

As we human beings go to the doctor to keep a track of our health so that we can avoid health risks in the future. Same these big companies/organizations go to the Data Analysts to keep a track of their environment, performance, and how the business is functioning so that they can plan their future. Data Analysts also make business decisions by understanding the business problems.

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Ribisha Junghare

I am a self-taught Data Analyst with a passion for writing about my insights and experiences in the field.