New idea concept for NFT’s, don't just buy an NFT. Collaborate, create and own something memorable or an advertise in the actual NFT by Ribseh

7 min readSep 13, 2021


Imagine a NTF that is more than just ART?
Could you put an Ad in an NFT?

I’m not going to lie, this is a unique but CRAZY idea that I wanted to try out and you would be also involved in collaborating this idea if you are still reading this! Imagine a memory/moment of your life you wanted to share and create and own it as a NFT that others can see and enjoy too? All in a animated stamp? Or you bought an Avatar/PFP type NFT and you just wanted to show it off!

I’ve really enjoyed making NFT’s for fun and spending hours playing around with ideas and it’s so satisfying when someone appreciates your work and buys your NFT.

However NFT’s should be used more than just art collection, loot, avatar, pfp (profile pic).

Imagine having a memory or advert within an NFT collection? Having a working QR code that goes the the webpage the user wants. Having optional metadata related to that memory/advert. You are not picking an NFT but collaborating with me to MAKE a your memory within my animated Stamp collection.

Memories could be a quick series of photos, with a message. Or a trademark move you made if you are sportsman. Could be a short wedding clip, or a video that will remember a loved one. Even an amazing meme you created that you want on a stamp. Or a little Animation of your favorite NFT you own.

For companies, imagine having a small advert to remind them how tasty your food was? Or remind people your slogan and brand. Say you were an influencer and wanted to increase your global audience. The costs are minimum compared to real advertising. In fact I cannot even guarantee you get a crazy viewing! Its a crazy idea after all so I leave the price to you to decide!

Now for those that never heard of a NFT, you can google that, but I just want to give some stats from Opensea.

I hope I’ve caught your interest, first this isn’t a scam! Let me tell you why. I am a one man team. So you will work directly with me only, unless I specify we need another specialist to perfect your “moment” because you need a custom made video which I cannot do. This will be put into my Stamp collection.

You will tell me what you will pay me, no amount is too small for the first 10 people that I work with, because you are buying into this unique crazy idea! If I agree the with price, I get your some drafts for you to look at! You pick the one you like the most and I mint it, and you just buy the stamp at the price you were willing to pay for it! You own the NFT and no one can buy it off you, unless you choose to sell it! It will ALWAYS stay in the collection in Opensea, even its purchased, so everyone can see it and how much has been paid. Opensea shows the history of each NFT, what was listed for, how much, etc etc.

I won’t charge you a single penny until the final product is ready and minted on the collection. You can still choose to cancel at anytime. Its just your time and my time wasted.

Why would I do this? It doesn’t sound as profitable as making 10,000 generated images?! Yes it’s most likely not profitable at the start or ever for me, but once you have worked with me and we’ve made your perfect stamp, you would spread the word, or maybe get me additional work, and the small stamp collection could become a viral idea!

If people start copying the idea, at least I can claim to have started the idea! I just enjoyed making these stamps, and the memories idea is something I’m really passionate for! Its not about the money, it’s making an NFT that relates to someone or something or many people! A reminder for the amazing experiences we’ve encountered, or to show that you really care for someone.

Now how will you contact me?

Send me a twitter DM

Join my discord server then send me a message from there. or tag me. I don’t accept private messages by default unless you are on the discord server as. Ribsy#6711

or email me at

What Will I need from you?

You supply the video/clip/photos and message and any special logo. I can help find a clip if you need.

It has to be short, or I will have to cut it to 5–10 seconds! It has to fit into the stamp so don’t expect a 4k video… if you use a royalty free clip, give me the url of the free video so we can add it in the metadata if the video creator wanted it.

You also supply the URL link you want in the QR code to go to. (optional otherwise it will default to my twitter url. What the QR code is what shows on the stamp, if you load up the camera on a smartphone and just point at the square barcode on the stamp, it opens the website in a browser)

Supply your Metadata you want in the stamp when someone looks at the properties. by TYPE and NAME (this is optional most don’t bother but use stamp 32 in my Future Stamp collection to get an idea in the “properties”)

e.g. Website —, contact — 0753013831, Place — Hong Kong

Supply a Description for your NFT (optional, I could just use the default stamp msg if not specified)

e.g. A message to someone, poem, company description, etc

What I won’t accept

Videos must be created by you, royalty free or permission from the artist, or paid for by. I cannot work with stolen videos or art, as you risk it ben down later from DMCA.

Images of NFT’s like Avatars must be owned by yourself or you have permission from the owner that bought the NFT. For example if you bought a Crypto Punk/Pudgy Penguin, I can use that in a stamp as you own the NFT.

Nothing negative, rasict. sexists, hate, revenge etc

Don’t expect me to make a anything over 10 seconds long. I want to keep the stamp as an animated gif and the file size short so it loads fast. Use your creativity to fit what you want in 5–10 seconds!

Where will the stamp NFT go?

So I currently own two Stamp collections, one on Opensea and one on the Solana network. Only Opensea is really worth doing this idea for now, because the NFT stays on display even when being traded around. If you wanted the stamp to be bought and gone from the collection and private, you obviously would choose the Solana Network

Imagine seeing a stamp within my collection with a Coca cola animation, which is obviously owned by the company.

