Secure Software Development Lifecycle in Agile Development

Ricardo Newman
3 min readSep 6, 2023

“Don’t Let Hackers Win: How to Implement a Secure Software Development Lifecycle in Agile Development”

As organizations continue to face increasing cybersecurity threats, the need for secure software development has become more critical than ever. In response, many organizations have adopted agile development methodologies to develop software more quickly and efficiently.

However, the speed and flexibility of the agile development process can present unique security challenges. To address these challenges, a secure software development lifecycle (SDLC) framework can be integrated into the agile development process to ensure that security measures are incorporated throughout the software development process.


The first stage of the secure SDLC in agile development is planning. In this stage, security requirements are defined early in the process to ensure that security is a top priority throughout the development process. This includes identifying potential risks and threats to the software system and implementing security measures to address them. Security requirements should be defined collaboratively by the development team, the security team, and other stakeholders.


In the design phase, developers create a blueprint of the software system, including security features, to meet the security requirements identified in the planning stage. Security controls are…



Ricardo Newman

A "Cyber Security Champion" who believes that everyone should have access to the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the Cyber Security landscape.