Rice TsengThe principal product designer’s journey: 4 OKRs to track success, 6 learnings for growth 😄Oct 10Oct 10
Rice TsenginAAPD — As A Product DesignerGrab 東南亞交通運輸的產品設計挑戰與實踐 — 以重新設計 Grab app 為例你是否好奇我們如何透過設計來優化東南亞的交通運輸體驗? 設計師們如何透過場域研究更更貼近東南亞當地的使用者? Grab 作為一個快速發展、顛覆傳統行業的互聯網公司,設計師所面臨的挑戰是什麼,我們如何思考且重新設計在地化的交通運輸服務並影響整個東南亞的使用者?Nov 20, 20187Nov 20, 20187
Rice TsenginUX CollectiveRedesigning the transport booking experience for Grab appHow do we work within a hyper-growth startup and design a rational but still meaningful transport experience that impacts millions of…Nov 10, 20185Nov 10, 20185
Rice TsenginAAPD — As A Product DesignerSome tips on how to make your interviewer impressedAn article for fresh product designers — From the interviewer’s POV . 😳Apr 29, 2017Apr 29, 2017
Rice TsenginDesign NationThe Thinking Behind Micro-interactionMany people have asked me how do I build cool animations or prototypes? Did I learn how to code myself? What did I study in school? What…Dec 18, 20168Dec 18, 20168