20190706 The War Memorial of Korea

2 min readJul 6, 2019


Unless you are special fan of Asian war, may be this museum has few attraction. Located at 10th bus station of Sam-Gak-Ji , it’s scale and magnificence of outside is quite overwhelming, and you might surprised by Korean soldiers passing by near this building. Except for that military groups and children who tours for education, there are no people simply visiting for it’s features.

I would comment this museum as, “full of Figures and Digital Images without any kind of reinterpretation”. The exhibition shows ancient, medieval, modern wars and weapons used on those days, in the form of figures, digitally reproduced images or videos. And there are nothing except for that.

Since a war is collision between cultures, the impact, consequences and the cultural influence through involved countries are countless and could be seen as other side of inspect. But none of that trial has been spotted. It only has a enumeration of facts and even that facts are originated from patriotic and outdated inspects.

If you have a plan for visiting this museum and that trip is not mandatory, I rather recommend watching a youtube or googling about wars in Korea than this outdated building.

