Google IO 2015

2 min readMay 29, 2015


Yesterday was my first time attending Google IO. I had heard a lot of buzz around it since the last few years, mostly for all the freebies, somewhat also for its exclusivity. Finally, I made it this year!

It was truly inspiring and offered a lot more than I could absorb. By the end of the day, I was completely exhausted physically, but mentally stimulated to try out all the cool stuff announced in the conference.

Some of the things that kept me on my toes were

App Permissions — iOS style. Its really great for both developers and users.

Fingerprint support — screen unlock, purchases

Project Brillo + Weave

Nextgen Google Developer Tools

Data Binding

Android Nanodegree on Udacity

Now on Tap

I can keep going but there’s just so much, its impossible to cover everything in just one post. This is just highlights, will follow up with details in a subsequent post.

I also ran into Chet Hasse while at IO, while I was hanging out in the Google Office hours area. He is incredibly nice and helpful gentleman, pretty fun to chat with and ask questions. Needless to say he is quite smart and wonderful onstage. Thoroughly enjoyed “What’s new in Android” talk by him and Dan Sandler.

Looking forward to the sessions today!

