Richard McMullan
Richard McMullan


I'm Richard McMullan.

I’ve been intrigued by how businesses work since studying management science in the final year of my Master’s degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering in 1989.

However, my career only makes sense in the rear-view mirror (if you squint and close one eye). There was no career plan, I simply went to roles that looked interesting.

I’ve been an IT Systems Analyst, IT Strategist, a Business Strategy Consultant to small, mid, and large businesses, Head of Marketing & Strategy for a £400m business, and, as Managing Director, scaled a £1m business to £20m (after seeing sales plummet by 40% during the 2008 crash).

I'm a Chartered Director, I'm a Board Chair, Non-Executive Director and I'm the Honorary Treasurer for Belfast Chamber of Trade & Commerce.

I co-own four businesses: three of which are direct to consumer (manufacturing and selling 100% natural supplements for horses, dog and small animals) and the fourth provides global sales and marketing support for B2B companies.

I’ve acquired five businesses (and failed twice because of the owner's over-estimation of what their business was worth).

So what?

Simply that I’ve experienced the good, bad, and ugly of leading businesses, seen what works well, and what doesn’t across nearly 30 different sectors!

And whilst none of us live long enough to make all the mistakes possible, I've given it a good go (as well as having my fair share of success).

Since 2015 I've used that experience to help 80+ business owners increase the value of their business by helping them achieve faster growth and higher profits AND reducing their business's reliance on them. You can read more about that here: visit Aurelius Advisory.

When I'm not working...

You’ll most likely find me with my family or outdoors playing golf, paddle-boarding, wild-water swimming, windsurfing, kayaking, or hiking.

The knees can’t do football now, and the shoulders don’t stay in for rugby, so I took up hockey in 2021 (at the tender age of 54) to feed my thirst for competitive team sport!

I love sharing what I’ve learnt, and I get a huge buzz from seeing my clients succeed. I hope you find my posts helpful and please do let me know if you've any questions or ideas for content. I'll always reply.

Connect with Richard McMullan