DisruptED TV Magazine

Cultivating Kindness with Technology

DisruptED TV Magazine
4 min readSep 4, 2018

By: Tamara Letter, M.Ed.

As a technology integrator in a public school system, people are sometimes surprised to discover my joy in teaching lessons emphasizing kindness. After all, much of my job focuses on supporting students and teachers with their passions, not necessarily mine. However, when we can find ways to align our passion with our profession, we often discover our purpose in the process.

Four years ago, I brought my passion for kindness into the school building with a kindness blogging club, encouraging students to share their stories of kindness with the world. Since then, I’ve helped teachers implement year-long kindness initiatives in their classrooms, complete Kindness Passion Projects, and even celebrate kindness with Kindness Share Fair days.

If you are looking for ways to cultivate kindness with technology, here are five ways to get started today!

Be intentional. While we often use the phrase “random acts of kindness,” many acts of kindness are not random at all! How can we intentionally cultivating kindness with technology? Use it as a tool for implementation. Start your day with a quick email complimenting a coworker or friend. Guide students in creating kindness posters using Google Slides or Canva to display around the…



DisruptED TV Magazine

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