5 Steps To Answer Any Objection
In nearly everything we do, whether work-related, sales-related, politics, civic groups, clubs, etc., there will be times others will have objections, and in order to succeed, one must focus on creating a meeting-of-the-minds, which satisfies anyone ready and willing to pay attention, with an open-mind. Although the topics and content differ, the approach and steps to us, systematically and properly, are the same. I refer to these as the 5 Steps, and have taught these to others for going-on six decades, and those who listen and learn these effectively, and use these consistently, and become comfortable doing so, are generally, the most successful in their area of influence, etc. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss these steps, in the order needed to use effectively.
- Restate/rephrase the objection: Perhaps, the single-greatest misstep, I have witnessed, is when one responds too quickly to a perceived objection, often behaving too impulsively, rather than meaningfully! Too often, individuals end-up opening up the so-called Pandora’s Box, by responding to their perception of what is being asked, rather than waiting to be certain what concerns someone. Before proceeding, therefore, it is necessary to clearly, carefully, and effectively discover someone’s concern and/or objection, and the most effective way to do so, with a degree of certainty, is to restate and rephrase the concern, saying something like, In other words, you’re concerned about…. Before continuing, wait until you get acknowledgment and clarity from the other individual, and then, once you are able to do so, proceed forward to the next steps in the process/system.
- Empathize: The most effective way to get someone else to become willing to listen to your ideas and reasoning, is to act with genuine empathy, and being perceived, as empathetic. Perhaps, as I have found in my experience, simply saying something like, I can perfectly understand how you feel. In fact I felt that way, and most others probably did also, until they recognized and understand a few things…
- Answer thoroughly: Your answer must not merely be either accurate, or satisfy you. Rather it must satisfy another. It is essential this step is performed slowly, never rushing, or seeming to be pressuring. Closely examine the body language, including facial expression, eye-contact, head-nods, etc., learning from these important hints, etc. Don’t rely on half-answers, verbal hyperbole, or other techniques, but rather proceed, thoroughly, to respond to every stated concern, and don’t move-forward, until you are certain, you have done, all you can, to satisfy the individual with the objections. Don’t believe you know, for sure, but rather, clearly ask if you’ve answered, to their satisfaction!
- Recreate need: Although, these first 3 steps are important and essential, too often, people fail to continue with the next steps, and close-the-deal! In striving to reach a meeting-of-the-minds for the greater-good, effectively motivating others, by clearly demonstrating why what you say makes sense, and also, is a great way to meet their real and perceived needs, is an essential next step, too often overlooked, One must recreate the need, by saying, something, such as, Since you said you want ___ and ____, and this approach, achieves that……
- Close: Whether selling a product, service, political message, or yourself, the deal won’t be done, until/unless, you close the deal! Doesn’t it make sense, in light of what we’ve discussed, to ……? This may sound overly-simplistic, but, it is a tried-and-proven technique, to achieve a successful conclusion.
Often, even after this, another individual is not ready to commit. It might be emotional, or logical/technical, but either way, can be overcome, by continuing, using the steps, again, to address any further concerns. If all else fails, don’t stop, without saying, May I make a suggestion?, and then doing so, clearly, and with the intent to close the deal. To do this, you must address someone else’s needs and concerns, and strive for a true, meeting-of-the-minds, or the so-called, win/win scenario! This is not some, pie-in-the-sky, untested method, but rather one taught for decades, in multiple industries and fields, and when used effectively, closing rates/ratios, improve dramatically. Doesn’t that make sense?