If Dems Wish To Regain Relevance & Influence, They Must Seize The Moment & SURGE Ahead!

Richard Brody
7 min readNov 27, 2024


For many citizens who felt returning Donald Trump to the White House presented a clear and present danger to the future of the American democracy and the rights and freedoms, it has been perceived as representing, and appear to be a combination of shocked, in fear, and gloomy, as a result of the latest election, and both Trump and his Party’s victories! However, if they took-a-step back, and pondered for a moment, instead of panicking and depression, they would realize, historically, the USA’s elections, and party in power, has occurred in cycles, which have dramatically changed, sometimes in a very short period of time! Instead of proceeding along blaming and complaining, and feeling sorry for themselves, if Dems wish to regain some degree of influence and relevance, going forward, they must proactively, seize the moment and prepare for opportunities, and change the national narrative and mindset, in order to be able to SURGE ahead, and change things, for the better. History is full of examples of the political changes in this nation, such as when Eisenhower dominated over Stevenson in two consecutive elections, only for JFK to narrowly defeat Nixon in the 1960 election, and then, in 1968, after Goldwater was decisively defeated by LBJ in 1964, Nixon bounced-back in 1968, to defeat Humphrey that year, and then win reelection against McGovern, promising a secret plan for ending the Vietnam War in 1972. After Nixon resigned facing probable impeachment in 1974, Jimmy Carter narrowly won the 1976 election, only to be defeated in 1980 by Ronald Reagan. After 2 terms of Nixon, and one term of Bush, the Dems regained the Presidency in 1992 when Bill Clinton was elected and served for two consecutive terms. Bush then followed Clinton, for 2 terms, and then Obama ascended to the Presidency, and served 2 consecutive terms as President. Many recall in 2016, Trump defeating Hillary Clinton, while losing the popular vote, but winning the Electoral College, only to lose the 2020 pandemic-year vote to Biden. Biden realized he needed to step down, and did so after the primary season, and Trump regained office in the recent elections, defeating Kamala Harris. So, why are Dems behaving as if the future is at-risk, when in reality, if they want to regain relevance and influence, they need to strategize, realize their strengths and weaknesses and create a so-called Blue SURGE, in the near future. However, this will only occur if they reflect on why this occurred and change their image to the public, proactively and strategically, With that in mind this article will attempt to briefly reflect, using the mnemonic approach, accurately with an open-mind and self-criticism, consider, review and discuss, and review their best path forward and seize opportunities, and begin changing what some consider the Dems toxic brand, sooner rather than later.

Solutions; strengths; service/serve; sustainability, sensible/sane; stronger: Certainly, Donald Trump is unlike any of his predecessors, especially in recent memory. Despite his personal travails and troubles, he maintained a core basis of supporters, who seemed to personally bond with, and believe in him, regardless of the veracity of his statements, the reality of his first-term actions and ramifications, and the horrific events of January 6th 2021. Unlike many career traditional politicians, Trump never apologizes and uses a combination of blaming and complaining, revisionist history, and populist rhetoric, effectively and convincingly. While nearly every state where reproductive rights was on the ballot, demonstrated a significant majority of Americans wanted to preserve somewhat the Roe protections (even in Florida, where the proposal was defeated because of the requirement for 60%, preserving these rights still received around 57% of the vote), yet Trump won his race despite being the individual who appointed the SCOTUS Justices, who overturned Roe. So, we should understand analyzing politican elections, and strategies, the determining factor often seems to have little to do with common sense! In addition, Trump proactively seized the discussion, by claiming, falsely, his opponents wanted late term abortions (while statistics indicate less than 1% of abortions occur in the third trimester, and then, usually for life-preserving protections for the mother), and Dems lost the issue as a positive point. Dems must articulate simple-to-understand solutions in an effective, motivating manner, or will continue losing these races! They must show how protecting rights and freedoms is a necessity, and not extreme, as the GOP has painted it. Instead of permitting the GOP gain strength, with disparaging definitions of the word, woke, they must turn the tide by showing how these protections are an essential part of the heritage of this nation! They must transform their image, of being extreme-left, by using pragmatic idealism, and attracting others to their political tent. They must change-the-conversation, effectively using common sense (not sensible, merely to them, but effectively articulating a message which others believe is so), and transform perceived weaknesses, to compelling strengths and reasons. They must prove, to the satisfaction of those willing to change their perspectives and votes, to prove to them, they are the Party of service to citizens, and who serve and represent everyone, not merely their core supporters. They must prove, sustainability is not a fake fact, or unnecessary, by appealing to the needs of individual’s children and grandchildren, painting it as a battle, worth fighting, to ensure we fulfill our obligations and duties, to turn-over a clean, healthy, safe planet! However, they need to change their identity as extremists, by offering a logical, step-by-step, gradual approach, going forward! If Dems want to regain influence and support, they must show they are the stronger, principled and dedicated group, who will serve the greater good, rather than merely, the elite!

Urgent; urge; usual/unusual; USA; understanding: Dems must recognize and admit, these election losses demonstrate they have ineffectively articulated their main message, and failed to create a real urgency to address important priorities! Obviously, too many do not feel the urgency, and Dems have inadequately urged them for their support, by understanding voter mindset and fears, and how they are the real patriots, and the USA’s best path forward! To do so, they must effectively use both the usual ways, as well as unusual ones, to change the narrative, going forward!

Relevant; realistic; rewarding; right; rights: Surveys show widespread disapproval by Americans of politics and politicians, so if Dems wish future successes, they must create a message which is relevant (not only in actual terms, but also to voters), realistic, and how their approach is the more rewarding choice, into the future, on a short as well as longer-term! They must change the mindset, so more people perceive them as the group which does the right thing, and that, public service means doing what’s right, instead of only popular, and how the USA, with its tradition of protecting and preserving all our rights and freedoms, instead of selectively, or face more of the same, in elections!

Generate goodwill; greater good; genius; goals; greatness: Why have Dems constantly permitted Trump and MAGA to control the narrative about what greatness means and represents, rather than showing how the only ones their political opponents have actually served and represented are the elite, specifically the wealthiest individuals and largest corporations? They must articulate a pragmatic message, which focuses on generating goodwill, reducing paralyzing polarization and partisanship, and how they are the ones with the goals and ideas, which will actually achieve the needed objectives, etc.! They must change Trump’s Stable Genius narrative, and prove, to the satisfaction to more people, they are the real party for genius, and meaningful actions for them!

Excellence; economy; endurance; evolve; empathy: Before Dems can change the narrative and their somewhat-toxic brand, they must transform the conversation, and show why empathy is a basic human essential characteristic, and that woke discussions are meaningless BS! They must not setlle for good-enough, and seek true excellence, while no longer sacrificing the greater good, for the sake of so-called idealistic better! As James Carville often said, It’s the economy, stupid, and thus, they must change the revisionist claims and falsehoods about how the Republicans have been better for the economy, especially since the data, clearly indicates, Dems for generations, have! This won’t be easy, nor quick, and Dems must proceed with endurance focused on the greater good and rational goals, and that, the so-called, Make America Great Again, slogan, is a populist falsehood, because since the world evolves, our policies must do so also, and adapt, or lose the race to the future! Therefore, they must proactively, prove to the satisfaction of voters, they are the best choice, and disprove the lies, myths, falsehoods, fake narratives, blaming and complaining, or risk losing relevance, going forward!

If the Democratic Party wishes to change future results, they must stop wasting time, lying to themselves about why they’ve lost, blaming others, rather than looking at the real, bigger-picture! They must be prepared and change their messaging, so voters become willing to listen to them, rather than blinfly accepting, often-fake narratives! They must appear stronger, and focused on serving the best interests of the nation! Only then, will they be able to SURGE ahead, using better political messaging, and regaining the confidence of voters, that despite the facts, one is permitted and encouraged to have an opinion, they don’t have the right to their own set of facts! Facts must count more, and only if Dems stop articulating a message which many seem to believe is judgmental and unhelpful, they begin changing their brand, for the better, by showing themselves to be the true party of the people, all of them, but especially, for the working, middle, and upper-middle classes, rather than one which is perceived as out-of-touch!



Richard Brody
Richard Brody

Written by Richard Brody

After 4+ decades in politics, planning & training, leadership, real estate, & consulting in multiple fields, Richard Brody is a recognized leader/influencer.

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