Political Spin Isn’t Fact!: 6 Examples

Richard Brody
6 min readFeb 6, 2024


Although, politicians have used political spin, at least to some degree, for as long as anyone remembers, the level and degree of it, today, is far-beyond mere-spin, but has often transformed to outright lies and distortions, and often, very little attempt to seek solutions to time-sensitive priorities, in a well-considered way, replacing any attempt to reach a necessary, common sense, meeting-of-the-minds for the greater good, with irresponsible rhetoric and vitriol, empty promises, and using revisionist history! Many politicians feel, because so few voters pay keen attention and do any sort of fact-checking, relying on what they perceive as populist politics, is an easy way to garner votes! With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss 6 examples, where replacing facts with lies, harms the best interests of this nation, our planet, and the future of our democracy.

  1. Infrastructure: For decades, many areas of our country have experienced serious, considerable infrastructure issues, and, despite constant promises, liitle to nothing was done to address this in a strategic and meaningful way! When President Biden signed the so-called Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (although, it passed predominantly with Democrats votes), it created essential projects, throughout the nation. Interestingly, despite many Republicans voting against that legislation, when their communities benefited and a project was popular with their constituents, they often immediately took credit for the results! Why so many believe these people, when time-after-time, they lie and or tell half-truths, creates public officials, who feel enabled by getting away with their distortions, and often, feeling entitled to behave as they do, is certainly, concerning!
  2. Law & Order/Public Safety/Gun Safety: When so many proclaim, and listen to the Gun Lobby/NRA, and its convenient interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, focusing merely on the right to bear arms, but without the context, which was for states to have a State Militia, for protection, especially when there was no federal armed forces, and today’s SCOTUS seems to want to interpret it, to the NRA’s liking, we witness a level of gun violence in this nation, far-more than every other free nation, on the planet! While it’s true, Guns don’t kill, people do, the reality is, it’s when the wrong people have easy access to guns, it leads to a greater degree of gun violence. When NRA-purchased public officials, become fervent pro-gun representatives, rather than requiring at least the level of common sense rules and regulations, in place regarding cars and drivers, too often, the results are horrific! We license drivers, and register cars, and have mandatory auto insurance, so wouldn’t it make sense to do the same regarding guns, to ensure responsible people had the ability to own a gun, but those who aren’t responsible, might do so? Most responsible gun owners would have little issue in this common sense approach, and few would proclaim, assault weapons were needed for hunting, etc., it seems far-right politicians perceive it serves their personal/political agendas, and/or self-interests, to articulate pro-gun rhetoric, etc.! How can one state he is for law-and-order, and cares about public safety, when he refuses to proactively take responsible and responsive action, to address the ever-growing rate of gun-related violence, etc.?
  3. Border Protection/Immigration/Southern Border: The families of nearly-all Americans were immigrants (except the American Native Americans), so when some politicians resort to using fears, and prejudice, to turn people, against all immigrants, it is more than a little hypocritical! Indeed, we need a better immigration policy, which addresses both, responsible and fair immigration approaches, securing this nation to keep criminal element out, while permitting those, truly, needing asylum, etc., a path forward! Former-President Trump’s rhetoric about building a Southern Wall, may make sense in limited areas, but the reality is, our Southern Border’s geography, includes many areas, where that is not a feasible approach. While more trained border agents are needed, it would only make a difference if they possessed modern technology, to enhance their abilities! When we hear the rhetoric, vitriol, claims, distortions, and blame and complain approaches, it doesn’t make us safer! Too often, political campaigns become campaigns based on fears and distortions, and we as voters, must proceed with an open-mind, and ability to fact-check! When it seems, the House GOP is more-willing to consider Trump’s politically-motivated wishes and directives, than to take some steps forward, towards a better border and immigration policy, it clearly demonstrates what happens when rhetoric and vitriol, takes precedent over creating timely, well-considered viable solutions and strategies!
  4. Trade policies: Former-President Trump proudly proclaims he imposed high tariffs, to prevent an economic advantage to China, but economists tell us, it didn’t really do that, but rather created higher prices, and a loss of American lives. Trump also claimed he would bring-back manufacturing jobs to the USA, but, not only didn’t he, but President Biden has overseen the largest growth in US manufacturing jobs in many decades! So, why do Trump’s core supporters and MAGA cult, believe his assertions?
  5. Economy/ Taxes/ Budgets/ Deficits: It’s always easier to simply, blame and complain, than to look at reality. What Trump’s core supporters and his MAGA folks, often don’t admit, the Federal deficit under Trump, grew by more than ever, and represented 25% of the historic debt of this nation, largely caused by the 2017 so-called tax reform legislation and its impacts, they often resort to claiming their political opponents are to blame for the national debt! Convenient-isn’t it? When the House and especially, those claiming to be the MAGA wing, refuse to honor previous agreements, and put the national interests, at-stake, while declaring themselves, as so-called Patriots, who benefits? When the GOP approach seems to focus on cuts in programs, that they don’t like but primarily benefits the wealthiest individuals and largest corporations, it demonstrates how political spin, potentially harms the American way-of-life!
  6. Accomplishments: It often seems, whether on local levels, regional ones, or national elections, the current GOP game plan is to claim credit for everything which becomes popular, regardless of facts, and blames Democrats for everything and anything, they perceive as unpopular! As voters, we need to fact-check, and recognize who has sought solutions, as opposed to those, apparently seeking disruptions! For example, in the present, NY CD3 Special Election, to replace disgraced and evicted former-Representative George Santos, the Dems selected a centrist, common sense, solutions-oriented individual, former-Congressman Tom Suozzi, and the GOP chose a one-term unknown legislator, Mazi Pilip. Pilip has refused most debates, public forums, in-depth interviews, and relied predominantly on a combination of modified MAGA talking points, photo-ops, and declaring her opponent, to be a far-left liberal, who opposed a better immigration policy. Since Suozzi is not, nor has ever been, far-left, but a moderate, willing to work towards solutions, Pilip’s ads have accused Suozzi, nevertheless, and used out-of-context clips of statements, which they perceive, as populist! If this approach is successful, and an unqualified MAGA-lite individual defeats a qualified candidate, such as in the Suozzi/Pilip race, it will probably be used as the game-plan going-forward! Clearly, it seems, the once-proud GOP has become the POT (Party of Trump), where facts don’t count, and the approach focuses on whatever Trump perceives as benefiting his personal/political agenda and/or self-interest! Isn’t it interesting, so-little is discussed about the amazing accomplishments, from Biden’s term, including beginning to negotiate drug pricing, bringing-down the cost of insulin, etc., infrastructure strategic and action planning and implementation, the longest period of unemployment under 4% in recent memory, bringing-back the USA’s economy, far-sooner and better than any other nation, post-pandemic, and the largest increase in American manufacturing jobs, in recent memory, etc.? At the same time, Trump continues proclaiming what a great President he was, despite next-to-no true accomplishments, and his core followers appear to feel, he is some sort of Messiah! We live in troubling times!

Wake up America, and opt for a choice, which is relevant, sustainable, true (facts-based), and seeking solutions, and a meeting-of-the-minds for the greater good! Do not succumb to taking a perceived path-of-least resistance, and not voting, because neither candidate is ideal! Since the far-right will vote, the only way for the USA to protect itself against losing our 248-year experiment in Constitutional democracy and its associated rights and freedoms, is for those, who often are overlooked, the so-called moderates, to exercise their right to vote, and make the future more essential than some perceived short-term populist gains, and/or having a false sense of focusing on the absolute ideal, and thus, losing the opportunity for choosing a better-path forward! This 2024 election for US President and Vice President, all of the House of Representatives, and one-third of the Senate, may potentially, determine whether we continue being a nation of laws, freedoms, rights, and equal justice-for-all, or lose these, forever! It’s up to each of us! Please vote!



Richard Brody

After 4+ decades in politics, planning & training, leadership, real estate, & consulting in multiple fields, Richard Brody is a recognized leader/influencer.