Why Many Believe FAKE News?

Richard Brody
3 min readJun 6, 2024


Although, in a democracy, everyone is and should be entitled to his own personal opinion, this does not mean anyone can create his own set of preferred facts! Perhaps, as never before witnessed in recent memory, a significant number of Americans seem to replace facts and fact-finding with a focus on FAKE news, which they perceive as being preferable, perhaps, to their personal/political agenda, and self-interest. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it matters.

Fact-check; false; faith; fraud; focus/favor: It seems, it is far-easier today, to spread fake news, largely because there are so many places available to get information (largely due to the Internet, etc.), many of these being far-from reliable and/or accurate, but rather, seemingly, seeming to purposely spin the news, to fit a specific agenda. Unfortunately, many seem to be, either not ready or unwilling to fact-check so-called news, to differentiate between actual facts/reality, and a partisan, populist perspective. When false information is constantly transmitted, and some use their so-called faith as their reason for believing as they do, it seems there is a fraud being purposely dissimilated. Facts are facts, whether convenient or not, and when policies are taken or ignored, based on a focus on gaining populist favor, it often puts our freedoms and rights, at-risk.

Attitude; alternative; aptitude; attention; actions; assumptions; anti-; anger: Early in former-President Trump’s term of office, his then-Communications Director Kellyanne Conway, stated, the President wasn’t lying, but rather articulating Alternative Facts. In reality, there is no such thing, because if it isn’t facts-based, it is an opinion and/or perspective! The USA needs leadership with a positive, can-do, unifying attitude, rather than a polarizing, negative one, which uses populist appeals to replace realistic priorities, etc. This fake news-oriented behavior, often, diminishes high aptitude, quality leadership, and seems to refuse to pay attention to inconvenient truths. Whether strategies, actions, and policies are based on facts-based assumptions (such as scientists, professional economists, etc.), or populist partisan politics, often determines the future. Anger, and simply being anti-something must never replace well-considered strategic and action planning, in a relevant, sustainable manner.

Knowledge; keen; Klan-ish: Keen, productive leadership requires taking the time, learning lessons from the past, a high quality of character, and relevant knowledge, rather than so-called Klan-ish types of behavior, focused on prejudice, hatred, fears, and opposition.

Empathy; efforts; enemies; endear; examine; expectations; enabled/entitled; envy: Too many today seem unwilling to prioritize empathy, often using the term, woke, to diminish its importance! When FAKE news becomes accepted and acceptable, efforts become based on fighting and opposing those perceived as enemies, and attempting, merely to endear one with some of the core supporters, who seem to prioritize hate over unity. Each of us should examine our own consciences and actions, to see whether we are facing priorities, in a facts-based way, or merely, conveniently, procrastinating regarding inconvenient realities. We must ensure envy and prejudice do not replace facts and priorities. If we wish to maintain quality expectations, we must avoid permitting anyone or any group to become enabled by our words, acts, and avoidances, or risk entitling some to feel above the law, and superior.

Wake up America, and try to fully examine options and alternatives, with an open-mind, and a keen-eye on true, relevant, sustainable realities and priorities. FAKE news may make some feel better, but in the long-run, generally harm all of us, going forward. It seems we face, this November 2024, one of the most relevant elections in memory, with the election of the President, Vice President, all of the House of Representatives, and one-third of the US Senate. Many rights and freedoms, we have assumed are on-the-ballot, including a woman’s right to choose, contraception, and No one above the law guaranteed by a fair and independent judiciary. Denying the realities and ramifications of Climate Change, because they are An Inconvenient Truth, and refusing to proactively protect and preserve environmental protections, will put future generations at-risk. Voting counts, elections matter, and each of us must vote like our 248-year old experiment in our unique Constitutional democracy, is in the balance, because it, very possible, may be. It’s up to each of us to proactively, realistically, thoroughly, fact-check. and ensure FAKE news does not dominate over real facts!



Richard Brody

After 4+ decades in politics, planning & training, leadership, real estate, & consulting in multiple fields, Richard Brody is a recognized leader/influencer.