5 Simple Techniques to Earn Income Online

Richard Nolan
3 min readSep 28, 2016


Description — There are hundreds of companies that can offer you a variety of jobs such as testing their websites, analyze and rate websites, etc.

Extra income never hurts anyone and there are some genuine ways to make money online. You can easily get a stable source of income other than your main source if you take it seriously and work with devotion. Everyone can make money online and the best part is that you do not need to have any degree to qualify for the job. All you need is skills to utilize the platform or offer what someone else is looking for online. It is also important to remember that you cannot become a millionaire with these jobs but can still earn significant amounts. Here are some best ways to earn money online.

1. Spending time on Certain Websites

There are several websites that give you an opportunity to earn by taking up short surveys, testing products, shopping and more. Marketing companies pay the website for taking surveys to identify the market requirements and they offer a pass to the end users. Some websites also encourage you to try new products and pays you rewards. You may not become a millionaire from these websites but can surely earn extra which you can utilize anywhere.

2. Freelance Writing

This is surely one of the most popular methods of making money online because of some obvious advantages. However, you need to have an interest in writing and skills to become successful in this method. A good freelance writer usually earns about $1 — $2 per word. However, you would need to have dedication and patience with the job. You need to gradually build up the quality of writing with no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

3. Sell Online

Nowadays, everybody looks to buy products online. You can make money by selling some products online. You can also buy from someone at cheap rates and sell them through online platforms. It is extremely convenient and easy to sell products online. Most of the reputed online websites charge very little or no fee for listing products on their websites. You can also take this work as full-time task and make decent money.

4. Create your Blog

Everyone can create blogs and post them but you would need to have some impressive blogs to gain success with this method. Once people start to read your blogs, you can utilize the free space on your website to provide links to products, working like an advertiser. This method also takes some time and skills to make people follow your writings. You can also sell or advertise your own products through blogs. Some blogs can have a special private section with restricted access to members who need to pay a certain amount for membership.

5. Work from your Home

There are some companies that can provide you simple tasks that you can complete at your home or anywhere. You can take work according to your free time and enjoy complete freedom with extra earning. You can work according to your convenience from home.



Richard Nolan

There a lot of work fields that I am interestred in, but I am absolutly mad about giving birth to unique content.